7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

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While most of us can pick up a pen or keyboard and write some text, writing can’t be considered a skill until it has been tested. One of the common ways to check your writing skills will be to work on blog posts or other forms of writing. However, the first attempt at writing is seldom successful for most people. That said, such individuals should be worried, as there are many ways to improve one’s writing skill, and in this article, we go over 7 of the most reliable and time-tested writing-boosting techniques.

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

When you just start writing, it might feel discouraging when your first attempts aren’t well received. However, you shouldn’t let that bring you down, as almost every successful writer today has had to work on their writing skills at one point in their life. After some research, we established the top tips most successful writers today would recommend to someone who wishes to improve their writing skills. Such techniques are as follows:

  • Write everyday
  • Make an outline
  • Read through your work
  • Avoid complicated words
  • Keep sentences short and meaningful
  • Use editing tools
  • Learn from writers you admire
  1. Write everyday

Practice makes perfect” is a popular saying mainly due to how true and applicable it is. If you want to get good at anything, you need to dedicate time to practice, and when it comes to writing, this isn’t any different. How often you practice will depend on your schedule and targets, but you should aim to write at least 200 words daily. It can be a simple blog post on any topic. One thing to aim for is writing on a topic you’re passionate about. Even the most dedicated writers will not be able to write for long if they don’t feel connected to their topic.

2. Make an outline

If you want to write anything, you should have an outline. It doesn’t take too much time to create one, and it can be applied to similar writing projects you have. So, for instance, if you are learning to be a better blog writer, you can have an outline that covers the introduction, number of headers, body, and conclusion. If you ever struggle to create such an outline on your own, you can always Google “who can write my essays for me service reviews” and find a trustworthy writer that can deliver a stellar outline. This way, you will always have a handy example you can use as a basis for your work.

3. Read through your work

After spending hours researching, planning, and then writing, you will be forgiven for feeling a bit tired. It’s normal as writing isn’t easy work. However, this shouldn’t stop you from reading your work before submitting it. Instead of reading your writing immediately, you should take a couple of hours to rest or do a different task before coming back to reading your work. This is because you can better evaluate your writing with a fresh look.

4. Avoid complicated words

When writing, you want your readers to be able to enjoy your content without picking the dictionary after every two sentences. The word “flabbergasted” can make you sound smarter and can be impressive, but depending on your target audience, you might want to use simpler words like “shocked” instead. One of the reasons to improve one’s writing skills is to be a better communicator, so you should aim to be as clear as possible when writing. To always choose effective vocabulary for your articles, research your target audience.

5. Keep sentences short and meaningful

The readability of a piece of writing is based on many factors, one being the length of sentences and paragraphs. You wouldn’t want your readers to lose the point you’re trying to make, so aim to keep sentences short and meaningful. Ideally, paragraphs should be between 3 and 5 sentences.

6. Use editing tools

While you should always read your writing, it might be hard to spot some punctuation or grammar issues with the naked eye. However, editing tools such as Grammarly have AI models that have been trained to spot grammar mistakes. Some of this editing software also comes with a plagiarism checker. However, as useful as these editing tools can be, they shouldn’t be considered a replacement for reviewing your work by yourself.

7. Learn from writers you admire

You can always learn a thing or two from successful writers. After identifying writers whose style you like, you should try studying their work by reading some of their best pieces. The aim here isn’t to copy their work and learn from them. By applying what you’ve learned, you should be able to create your own style.

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/5fNmWej4tAA


The process of developing into a successful writer can seem challenging at first, but there are several ways you can improve. Writing every day while making sure to read through your work each time and learning from the best are just some of the ways you can get better at writing. Hopefully, you have found this article useful, and if so, consider following the outlined tips to boost your writing.

Author’s Bio

Diane Sherron is a writer and online tutor. She teaches students how to write better and use the English language properly. Diane enjoys her job, so she always dedicates extra time to writing helpful articles like this one.