How to become a Hacker in Nigeria: Beginner's Guide

How to become a Hacker in Nigeria: Beginner’s Guide

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How to Become an ethical hacker in Nigeria

Becoming a hacker in Nigeria is not an easy task. It takes dedication and determination to become one, but it’s worth it in the end. There are many different aspects of hacking that you can specialize in, such as penetration testing or malware analysis; however, there are some skills that you need to have before anything else.

The first thing a person needs to be successful at being a hacker in Nigeria is knowledge about computers and how they work. You should know everything from what hardware looks like inside of your computer case (CPUs/motherboards) all the way down to understanding how the software works on top of the operating system level (think kernel). If you want to learn more about this topic keep reading.

“We live in a world of technology. Every day, we use the internet to connect with others and share information about our lives. We depend on computers for work, entertainment, education, and more. But what if someone could take over your computer? What if they were able to steal all of your personal information or get access to sensitive company files?
This may seem like it’s happening only in movies or TV shows but it can happen in real life too!
That’s where hackers come in.”

One of the most common misconceptions about hacking is that it’s something criminals do. Sure, there are criminal hackers out there doing their dirty work, but they’re not the only hackers in existence. There are also many white hat hackers who use their skills to help companies identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before they become exploited by a malicious hacker! In this blog post, we’ll explore ten ways you can learn how to become a hacker and join this elite group of security professionals.

Read: Top 10 Best Hackers in the World 

You’ll learn things like how to hack Windows passwords in less than 30 seconds, and how to create your own hacking program from scratch. If you want to be able to break into any computer system imaginable or make your own programs for free without paying for them – then this article is perfect for you!

Steps on How to become a hacker in Nigeria:

  1. Learn and Master LINUX/UNIX
  2. Learn all Programming Languages
  3. Stay Anonymous
  4. Learn Networking Concepts
  5. Explore the Hidden Web
  6. Add the Art of Secret Writing to your Skill Set
  7. Dive Deep into Hacking
  8. Explore vulnerabilities
  9. Practicing is the Key
  10. Join Hackers forum

Step 1: Learn and Master LINUX/UNIX

This is a great place to start, as it will allow you to learn the basics of how computers work. You’ll need this background information if you ever want to become an actual hacker. UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems are the heart of the Internet.

These systems power most web servers, which is why you can’t be an expert in computer hacking without a working knowledge of these powerful tools. You don’t need to know everything there is about UNIX before using it on your own; for many people, this would just slow them down or prove frustratingly difficult! Finding support groups online or offline makes it much easier to get started with Linux if you want that particular flavor instead of Windows 10 (for example).

This skill can be mastered through self-learning or attending courses at your local college/university that offers these programs.


– If you’re interested in learning LINUX/UNIX, start self-learning by downloading the operating system and following tutorials online.

– Visit your local college or university to inquire about any courses they offer for network security.

Step 2: Learn all Programming Languages

This includes programming languages that are specific to the platform you’re working on and those that can be used across platforms. If you really want to become a Hacker in Nigeria you should learn them.

These are the Programming languages needed:

  • Java
  • SQL
  • Javascript
  • C++
  • Python

If you are new to programming, Python is a great first language. It’s easy to learn and it has many benefits like being cleanly designed and well documented for beginners.

However, if you want something more serious later on then Java can be an option too but that might not be the best starting point due to its current state in terms of how useful it would actually be as your initial introduction to coding.


– Learn how to code in at least one or two different languages, depending on what type of coding you want to do; if your goal is web development, then learn HTML & CSS as well as JavaScript.

– Take time to read up on the programming language you’re using, do some research about its history and any issues it has faced in the past.

– Online courses – these are great for beginners who want to get a broad overview of coding languages they can use or specific skills like HTML/CSS.

Step 3: Stay Anonymous

As a hacker, your online identity is just as important as the physical one. With so many hackers doing illegal things online it’s necessary to know how to be anonymous and hide your original IP address from others that might want you in jail or worse- dead! Fear not though there are some easy steps for maintaining anonymity while still being able to enjoy all of the benefits our internet has to offer.

As an expert hacker, I am here today with five simple hacks about staying undercover online:

Here are what to do to Stay Anonymous on the Internet:

  1. Use a VPN
  2. Never share your password with anyone!
  3. Watch out for what you say on social media and any online forum; hackers can use this personal information to find out more about who you are. Keep in mind that even if the account is private, other people might still be able to see and use your posts if you are tagged in them.
  4. Never give out personal information on the internet unless it is absolutely necessary; this includes social security numbers, home addresses, phone numbers and bank account details.
  5. Make sure to log off when using a public computer or any device that isn’t yours! To ensure privacy, avoid using the browser’s “remember my password” feature.
  6. Use strong passwords and change them often! Not doing so is one of the easiest ways to get hacked, as simple words or phrases can be guessed by a hacker in just seconds. It might seem like extra work (and it kind of is) but having long, complicated passwords that are changed every few months will make your personal information much safer.
  7. Install antivirus software and keep it up to date! This is also a good way to prevent hackers because they often install viruses that can steal or tamper with your data.
  8. Get off the grid when possible by unplugging from social media sites and working on your own when you can. This will protect your personal information from being hacked and used against you, as well as keep you more focused during the day.
  9. Be mindful of what sites are requesting that you login or share sensitive information with them (ie: Facebook). Websites like these often have strict security features in place to safeguard your information, so it’s best to utilize them.
  10. Stay up on the latest security updates and patches! This will help you stay safe from hackers who target outdated software by exploiting known vulnerabilities in those systems.
  11. Investigate an organization before applying for a job or donating any money to their cause. If they don’t have a website, they’re probably not a reputable company.
  12. Keep your software and operating system up to date at all times!
  13. Avoid clicking on links that are unexpected or uninvited in any form of communication – even emails from friends and family members can contain malware these days.

Step 4: Learn Networking Concepts

Now that you know how to become a hacker in Nigeria, it’s time to learn about networking concepts. Hacking is all about control – controlling the network and systems on the other end of your computer. Let this section teach you some basics so that you can better understand what hackers are doing when they’re in their hacking efforts.

– Networking concepts are the basis of hacking.

– Networking is about communication, and that includes sending and receiving data in a secure manner.

– The most important part of networking is understanding how to build networks so they can be connected together on top of each other or across boundaries – it’s like building an infrastructure when you’re dealing with.

The world of hacking is a vast and intricate web. Understanding how to navigate these networks can be the difference between success or failure in your endeavors as well as those who you are aiding.

You should have an understanding of various networking concepts, protocols since it will help with exploiting vulnerabilities – which we all know is imperative for any hacker’s skillset! Learning some tools such as Wireshark, Nmap etc., would go a long way into helping out when on this journey

Step 5: Explore the Hidden/Dark Web

In general, you’ll want to use a Tor browser. You can also use TOR in conjunction with other tools such as DuckDuckGo, which will help hide your identity from those who are tracking your online activity

If you’re wondering how to become a hacker in Nigeria, the answer is simple: spend time on the dark web.

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet that you can’t search with any regular browser, and it requires either Tor or other anonymity-providing browsers to access.

The dark web has been known as an unsafe place for criminal activity since its conception in 1992 when the software was first used by UUCP (Unix to Unix Copy Program) users looking for free downloads from Usenet groups not available on their workstations.

The term “dark” only came into use later, but apparently, there’s more than just illegal stuff going on over here — some people actually have good intentions! You’ll need some help accessing this side though so make sure you don’t forget about using programs like Tor or VPNs.

How to become a Hacker in Nigeria: Beginner's Guide

Step 6: Add the Art of Secret Writing to your Skill Set

This is when your hacking skills go from amateur to pro. The art of secret writing entails using various ciphers and codes, which can be used for fun or nefarious purposes depending on how you look at it! In the world of cryptography, there’s a lot more than just encrypting messages though — there’re also ways to break them down.

– Read everything you can on the subject.

– Look up terms and phrases that confuse you in your reading.

– Do extra research, if needed for understanding.

– Seek out other resources and people who might have an answer or opinion about what’s being discussed with you.

Step 7: Dive Deep into Hacking

The next level of hacking skills is diving deep into the practice. You’ll be looking for vulnerabilities in your target’s network, data, and more to exploit them.

– Use a wide variety of tools from scanners to security systems or Netcat to find weaknesses.

– Work with others who know more about this than you do — they can teach you, and don’t forget to help them when they need it too.

– Try not to get caught!

Step 8: Become an Expert Penetration Tester

The scary part about hacking is the consequences. When you’re a penetration tester, you can wreak havoc on your target’s network while staying within the confines of the law.

– Spend time learning how to build exploits and break in using them responsibly so that they don’t fall into unintended hands.

– Know what legal framework applies to the information you collect and don’t break any laws while working.

– Learn how to secure your own systems from attackers who might know more than you do.

You can also learn about hacking through a certification program like ISC²’s CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) or ECSA. These programs are designed for professionals and require you to have a minimum of two years of experience in the field.

– The CEH program is designed for those who will test network security from inside an organization, while ECSA prepares professionals with direct experience in securing systems against hacking attacks.

– These certifications are valuable because they provide training that meets or exceeds requirements set by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Defense.

– Work on your programming skills in Python or Java, which are two popular languages used by hackers to access systems remotely.

– Learn how to break into different operating systems like Linux and Windows, so you can be prepared for anything an attacker might throw at you.

Step 9: Practicing is the Key

Since the purpose of this course is to help you learn how to become a hacker in Nigeria, it’s important that you practice your hacking skills. In order for an attacker to be successful in their job, they must know every type of attack possible and what techniques work best depending on the situation. Practice makes perfect!

In order to keep learning, you need practice. This is the time when it’s easiest to forget what you just learned! To combat this problem and make sure that your skills stay sharp at all times, we recommend setting up a lab for experiment purposes where you can test tools like attacks in various environments with different scenarios.

After learning some concepts or techniques from an instructor on any topic (especially those pertaining to security), try practicing them out of class before coming back again next week by yourself so they aren’t forgotten between sessions; set up labs – most often ones without simultaneous network access but rather simulated networks via virtual machines – as well as remote-control software such as TeamViewer in which cases one could be testing exploits against live targets.

Step 10: Join Hackers forum

Sign up for and join the forums at Hackers Academy – this is how many hackers get their start, as well as a great place to continue learning after graduation.

Have you ever wanted to become a hacker? If so, the first thing that you should do is join communities or forums where other hackers are discussing their work. It’s important for these people in this community of hacking experts to teach and learn from one another. You can find these groups on Facebook, Telegram, Discord – just about any online forum!

Step 11: Get a Job in IT Security

One of the best ways to become a hacker is by getting employed at an organization that specializes in security. This will give you insider knowledge on how hackers operate so you can protect your company from them.

– Contact companies that offer security jobs and ask for a meeting to learn more about the position.

– Make sure you have experience in IT or computer programming before applying because it will help you if they’re hiring.

Step 12: Stay Updated

Read Hacker News and other hacking blogs for a deeper understanding of what’s going on.

Finally, make sure to learn about the various tools that are being used by hackers today; not only will this help you with your own exploits but it’ll also allow you to protect your company.

I hope you have learned something from this blog post and it has helped to inspire a new hobby. There are many ways that people can become hackers and the best way is through trial-and-error. If you want to learn how to hack, your first step should be figuring out what type of hacker you want to be – whether it’s breaking into someone’s email or just learning about different hacking techniques such as phishing scams.

The second step would be finding out where all these resources are located so that they may help with your journey in becoming a hacker! Remember not everyone succeeds on their first try but persistence will eventually pay off if you keep trying! Learning how to become a hacker requires time and patience.