Top 50 Best Artificial Intelligence Companies to Watch and Invest In 2024

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List of Top Artificial intelligence Companies

Artificial intelligence is a term that we are all getting more and more acquainted with. It’s also the name of one of the hottest fields in technology right now, with major companies like Facebook, Google, IBM, and Microsoft devoting huge amounts of time to developing AI systems.

Ever since the tech boom, artificial intelligence has been a hot topic. Many companies are investing in AI research and development. As an investor myself, I have done my fair share of research on this subject to see which companies will be the ones to watch for future developments.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. There are many different schools and types of AI, but they all have one thing in common: They’re increasingly becoming more prevalent in our lives.

The AI industry is starting to boom as companies invest millions into research and development for their own AI projects. With this increase comes new jobs opportunities for programmers, engineers, and data scientists-especially those who specialize in artificial intelligence engineering.

Artificial intelligence is a new frontier in the world of technology, and it’s only gaining momentum. There are many facets to AI research, but one area that has garnered a lot of attention lately is deep learning. Deep learning puts artificial neural networks to work as they learn from large sets of data. The idea behind these networks is similar to how humans learn—by observing patterns in our environment and then making inferences about what we see based on those patterns.

The world of Artificial Intelligence is growing exponentially and it’s changing the way we live, work, and interact with one another. It has also given rise to a new set of companies that are leading the charge in AI research. These top artificial intelligence companies are on the cutting edge of this technology – developing everything from speech recognition software to self-driving cars – but what makes them so unique?

This blog post will go on to answer how these top artificial intelligence companies have been able to stay at the forefront of innovation by constantly reinventing themselves while still maintaining their core values; how they’re using AI for good (helping people find jobs or providing insights into health care); and how they’ve impacted some of our lives already (autonomous vehicles).

Let’s take a look at the Top 10 best artificial intelligence companies in the world in 2024.

It is no secret that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the most popular buzzword for a while now. From AI-powered chatbots to self-driving cars, many companies are exploring the capabilities of AI in their various industries and fields of interest. But with so many new Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies popping up every day, it can be difficult to figure out which ones are worth your time. That’s why we’ve rounded up a list of some of the best Artificial Intelligence Companies on the market today!

Top 50 Best Artificial Intelligence Companies In the World 2024

Here are the Best Artificial Intelligence Companies In the world to Invest In 2024:

  • Ascent
  • Osaro
  • Riskified
  • Nvidia
  • Nuro
  • Tempus
  • Arize AI
  • DataRobot
  • Freenome
  • Grammarly

1. AscentTop 50 Best Artificial Intelligence Companies to Watch and Invest In 2021

Ascent is an Artificial Intelligence company that specializes in designing and developing AI-powered chatbots. With their innovative conversational interfaces, Ascent’s bots can replace a wide range of human functions such as customer service representatives or IT tech support. Ascent is a fintech company that uses AI to provide services such as robo-advisory and customer relationship management (CRM).

Ascent builds, manages and automates compliance programs for financial firms. All of their solutions are powered by cutting-edge cloud technology and artificial intelligence to keep them power over time. The company was founded in 2015 but its commitment to regulatory excellence is unmatched as it’s driven only by machine learning capabilities that identify changes in regulations every day – adapting so you don’t get fined! It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world 2024.

As a result of the team’s dedication, Ascent has become one of the most trusted names when it comes to automation services with clients throughout North America including companies like BankAmerica/Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo & Company (WFC).

2. Osarobest artificial intelligence companies in the world 2021

Osaro is an artificial intelligence platform that provides the next generation of computer vision technology to analyze and understand video. It has raised over $30 million in funding as well as investment from companies like Google sibling company DeepMind, NVIDIA, Imagination Technologies and Sony (SNE).

The company was founded by a group of engineers who had previously worked on some of the most important AI projects in academia and industry over the last decade, including Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo project.

The company’s leadership team has unparalleled expertise in deep learning, computer vision and autonomous systems from MIT CSAIL to Oxford Univ., ExxonMobil (XOM) Labs to Facebook Artificial Intelligence.

Osaro’s AI technology has transformed the way industrial production lines operate. Osaro provides companies with access to high-performance robotic devices, as well as integrated perception and control capabilities that allow these machines to work seamlessly in e-commerce facilities across a wide spectrum of industries. The company is growing its software by implementing new features that give robots more complex intelligence so they can grip irregularly shaped objects and make decisions on their own without any human interference or guidance.

3. Riskifiedbest artificial intelligence companies in the world

Riskified is a cutting-edge company that has developed an intelligent and automated system to identify legitimate buyers on e-commerce sites, which reduces the threat of fraud. The scalable solution adjusts as new products are released by analyzing over one billion transactions for instant decisions before attacks happen. It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world.

Riskified identifies potential fraudulent shoppers with its machine learning models pulling from more than 1 million past transactions in order to make instant decisions before online theft occurs These insights adjust as shops release new products or enter into other markets so Riskified can keep up with evolving needs.

4. NvidiaTop artificial intelligence companies in the world 2021

Nvidia is a corporation that specializes in the creation of graphics processing units (GPUs) for gaming, professional visualization, and data centers. Their main products are GPUs; software development tools such as CUDA C/C++ and their proprietary APIs including OpenGL and OpenCL; plus hardware design services through subsidiary Avaya Graphics Solutions (AGS ).

“Nvidia is a technology company dedicated to creating hardware for artificial intelligence. They specialize in GPUs for gaming, professional visualization, and data centers. Nvidia’s architecture is one of the driving forces behind AI. Their products are used for AI because a GPU can process millions more instructions per second than an ordinary CPU.” It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world 2024.

Nvidia Corporation is a computer technology company that specializes in building powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) and hardware for the gaming and professional markets. The company was founded in 1993, and its headquarters are located in Santa Clara, California.

5. Nurobest artificial intelligence companies in the world 2021

Nuro is a robotics company that specializes in autonomous self-driving vehicles. The team was founded by two engineers, Dave Ferguson and Jiajun Zhu who were both students at Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute when they first met. Their goal with this technology is to reduce the number of accidents on our roads as well as traffic jams caused by human drivers.

Nuro was officially incorporated in 2016 and is privately funded by the company’s founders as well as investors from companies such as Nvidia, Toyota Research Institute, Accel Partners, Greylock Partners, SoftBank Capital among others. In 2017 Nuro announced that it had raised $92 million in funding round led by SoftBank Ventures International and Greylock Partners.

To date, Nuro has raised $141 million in funding.

Nuro’s first self-driving delivery vehicle is called R-360 and it is a little pod that can carry up to 30 pounds of goods with the ability to deliver groceries or packages across town without any human input needed whatsoever. It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world.

Nuro is an American robotics company based in Mountain View, California. Founded just a few years ago with the goal of developing self-driving delivery robots for businesses around the globe, Nuro has quickly become one of America’s biggest success stories as they expand their operations to 18 countries across five continents including China, Germany, Japan and Australia!

6. TempusTop artificial intelligence companies in the world

Tempus is a leading AI and machine learning company that has been on the forefront of many breakthroughs in the field.

Tempus offers a variety of solutions across industries including healthcare, retail, marketing and finance where they are exploring ways to utilize artificial intelligence for more efficient decision-making processes. The Tempus Platform is built with Artificial Intelligence (AI ) and machine learning that intelligently discovers the data, patterns, trends and other insights for business.

The AI Platform is an enterprise-grade cloud service that can be deployed on your own servers or as a managed solution through Tempus Azure Enterprise Services. Tempus helps our customers with their most difficult challenges in industries around the world by providing AI solutions to drive strategy, innovation and competitive advantage.

Artificial intelligence is still an emerging field with a steep learning curve that requires specialized expertise. The AI-related technologies being developed in the industry are constantly changing as well, so it’s hard for anyone company to be able to stay on top of all the latest developments. It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world.

Tempus technology has created a world-leading library of patient data and an operating system to make this information accessible. This company is committed to making life easier for physicians, researchers and the patients they serve by giving them access to more detailed medical records than any other service in history!

7. Arize AIbest artificial intelligence companies in the world 2021

Arize AI is a startup company that employs machine learning and computer vision to address the pharmaceutical industry’s need for more accurate data. It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world 2024.

Using their proprietary technology, they have created a model of medical research aimed at advancing science and saving lives!

Arize AI uses AI to generate, analyse and extract knowledge from scientific studies.

Arize AI is a company that offers solutions to the problems of the production of artificial intelligence. The team has successfully solved complex issues such as customer engagement in addition to their media and advertising products.

Arize AI was founded in Berkley, California in 2019 by veteran engineers from Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Twitter Inc., Uber Technologies LLC among others with backgrounds ranging across computer science engineering research fields including machine learning theory and computational geometry-based data analysis while also bringing expertise on distributed systems design for high-performance computing clusters through work experience at industry-leading companies like Netflix or LinkedIn; all this coupled with deep domain knowledge gained via working alongside customers who had an acute need for natural language understanding capabilities specific use cases spanning varied industries.

8. DataRobotbest artificial intelligence companies in the world

DataRobot is an advanced analytics platform that offers predictive and prescriptive machine learning models. It’s been widely used by both small businesses, startups or enterprises alike to make informed decisions with data-driven insights. DataRobot has more than 22 different algorithms on offer in its solution stack which can be accessed through a drag and drop interface.

Its AI platform has been used to identify and predict data trends in the competitive environment. The startup is also providing its customers with additional value by suggesting what questions they should ask their data, enabling them to discover new insights within seconds. DataRobot continues integrating third-party datasets for a seamless customer experience.

It’s worth noting that all of DataRobot’s products are developed in-house so it has a competitive edge over its rivals. The Artificial Intelligence startup also boasts an international presence, with offices based on the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

9. FreenomeTop artificial intelligence companies in the world

Freenome is an Artificial Intelligence company that develops a blood test to detect cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease. The startup has been making headlines ever since it was selected by the prestigious Y Combinator accelerator program with the idea of developing “a medical lab on a chip.” The AI-driven bioinformatics business has raised over $42 million in venture capital funding, with the idea to create a universal cancer test.

In a recent study, Freenome’s test was accurate in identifying cancer 86% of the time. The company is now preparing to launch its blood spot diagnostic tests for diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease as well. Besides developing life-saving health care tools, the AI enterprise has also been acquiring new sources of data to train its artificial intelligence models.

Freenome is developing life-saving health care tools and a universal cancer test by using artificial intelligence to analyze blood samples for early detection of various cancers including brain tumors and lung cancer. The startup has been making headlines ever since it was selected by the Draper Venture Network’s AI Startup Program and raised $12.35 million in Series A funding, led by Viking Global Investors. It is one of the top artificial intelligence companies in the world.

Freenome is a biotech company dedicated to the development of accurate, accessible, and non-invasive disease screening products for proactively treating cancer. They invest resources into developing life-saving technology that can be accessed by everyone. The first thing one senses when coming across this biotech enterprise’s website are its mission statement and vision statements displayed boldly at the top of their homepage–“Our Mission Statement,” “Vision.” These two phrases set forth an overarching goal that all employees strive towards in order to make our world healthier as they envision it being in 20 years time where no person will want or need treatment because there won’t any more diseases like cancer!

10. Grammarlybest artificial intelligence companies in the world

This Artificial Intelligence company is dedicated to improving lives by helping people communicate confidently and effectively. They help students of all ages write better, employees do their best work, educators inspire the next generation, writers find success in publishing books–whatever your challenge or goal, Grammarly makes it possible with a trusted proofreader that’s always at hand.

As a premium AI company, Grammarly offers the most intuitive and accurate online grammar checker. It’s also one of the few companies that offer free versions for students and educators, making it an extremely valuable tool in our society where academic success is so important.

Grammarly doesn’t just correct your writing–it gives you feedback on how to improve what you’ve written. The software notes your mistakes and then gives suggestions for fixes, saving writers from the frustration of having to hunt down answers or figure out which rules they broke.

Grammarly’s AI is backed by research done at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. Unlike other grammar-checking companies, Grammarly also offers feedback on vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure. The program is built to work with Microsoft Word, Google Docs and Gmail so that writers can get immediate grammar correction in their word processing programs without having to switch back and forth between interfaces

Grammarly’s AI will continue to be taught new words and grammar rules, and will offer writers more feedback as it becomes smarter.

11. CloudMinds

CloudMinds is an AI company developing smart products and services based on Artificial Intelligence. They provide the entire suite of AI technologies from data acquisition, analysis to product development for enterprises in many different industries. Cloudminds has been a pioneer in its field with more than 2000 patents listed under their name. In 1999, they partnered up with IBM to develop the AI-powered assistant for healthcare professionals Watson Health.

It is a company founded in 2015 that delivers infrastructure services for intelligent robot systems. The provider’s goal is to create a safe cloud computing network for these robots while also developing and providing other related products such as machine learning software and terminals controlled by the machines themselves. It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world.

12. is a company that specializes in AI solutions for the real estate industry. The company uses Artificial Intelligence to analyze potential buyers’ needs and then suggests properties that are best suited to their taste, budget, lifestyle, etc., based on data collected from huge databases of listings. With its help agents can sell more properties without having to spend on expensive marketing campaigns.

H2O AI is an end-to-end platform that enables organizations to rapidly build world-class artificial intelligence models and applications. With H2O AI, you can leverage both public cloud data lakes and onsite enterprise hardware for maximum performance in any environment – from the office to remote locations with no internet access.

13. Nauto

Nauto is an Artificial Intelligence-based dashcam system to help drivers protect themselves on the road. The company has been conducting a successful real-world beta test of its application in Silicon Valley since 2015 and it’s now ready for preorders. The Nauto app captures video from car’s front-facing, rear, or interior cameras and then sends that footage to the cloud for analysis. It is one of the top artificial intelligence companies in the world.

Nauto, a technology company that uses artificial intelligence to analyze video from vehicles says it is increasing the number of Uber rides recorded in order to settle disputes. The decision was made by CEO Bryan Reimer following criticism about lack of footage after an Arizona woman’s death last year when her driver took his own life and killed himself on Interstate 10 near Phoenix. “We’re doubling down,” said Mr Reimer, who emphasizes how important he sees this work given public concern over safety issues at ride-sharing firms such as Uber.

14. OpenAI

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research company that was founded by Elon Musk to find ways for AI’s to be used in a beneficial way. It has been working since 2015 and it has made some very big discoveries already, like teaching robots how to walk on two legs, or learning how to play the game Dota with no human input .

OpenAI is a company that strives to make sure artificial intelligence benefits all of humanity. They are currently researching and deploying AI technology.

15. Sift Science

Sift Science is an Artificial Intelligence company that was founded in 2012. It provides predictive and preventive analytics to fraudsters for a business, it analyses data from the system that needs protection.

It usually takes this information and then automatically learns how to spot fraudulent behaviour through machine-learning algorithms after observing patterns of behaviour online. Their goal is to reduce the amount of fraud and improve the customer experience for businesses.

Predictive analytics is a term used to describe any form of statistical analysis that uses data from past occurrences in order to predict future patterns, or otherwise project the likelihood of certain events happening again in different contexts.

It’s usually done with large amounts of time series or other data, and is used to forecast trends or make predictions. It is one of the top artificial intelligence companies in the world.

One of the main goals of predictive analytics can be seen as improving customer service by anticipating future needs based on past behavior.

Companies like Amazon are using it in order to learn from what their customers browse for online before recommending products that they might also enjoy. In this way, the business is better able to meet their customers’ needs.

Predictive analytics can be used in a number of different ways, and while it’s not always easy for the uninitiated to understand what they are seeing.

16. SoundHound

SoundHound is an AI company that uses sound recognition and deep learning to build a voice-powered ecosystem.

Their Houndify platform allows app developers and businesses with mobile apps to add in features like Siri or Google Assistant style conversational interactions, without having any knowledge of natural language processing.

In business for over 25 years, SoundHound Inc is an AI company that uses sound recognition and deep learning to build a voice-powered ecosystem.

Their Houndify platform allows app developers and businesses with mobile apps to add in features like Siri or Google Assistant style conversational interactions, without having any knowledge of natural language processing.

The SoundHound technology recognizes 20 languages and dialects, understands millions of music tracks by title or artist name, and can be used to identify songs in a noisy environment.

Founded by three graduates from the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University, SoundHound Inc is used by over 300 million people and has been downloaded more than 100 million times.

In January 2018, they announced a partnership with DoubleTwist to bring together their technologies for a new experience that will let users find songs on their mobile device using just voice commands such as “find me songs by Amy Winehouse.”

17. Vicarious

Vicarious has developed a novel artificial intelligence for the purpose of understanding human language. With this technology, Vicarious is building an incredible new capability to understand and generate natural human language through computational methods.

The company was founded by three CMU-graduates in 2010 with funding from such investors as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world 2024.

Their AI is known for its ability to predict human movement and language.

In January 2018, Vicarious announced that they had reached an agreement with Toyota Motor Corporation to develop autonomous technologies using artificial intelligence (AI) in the future.

– Artificial Intelligence Companies based out of Silicon Valley, California USA; Founded in 2010 by three CMU-graduates with funding from Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg

– Vicarious is developing an incredible new ability for computers to understand language through computational methods.

18. Zoox

Artificial Intelligence Companies based out of Silicon Valley, California USA; Founded in 2013 by Tim Kentley and Jesse Levinson

– Zoox is a high-tech startup focusing on the development of autonomous vehicles.

– Zoox is currently focused on vehicle automation, which they plan to commercialize in 2020.

Zoox is the perfect company to take you anywhere, anytime. They have an impressive background with many innovations in autonomous vehicles and even more breakthroughs on their way!

Zoox began as a small operation located in Foster City California but now has offices around California’s Bay Area such as Palo Alto and Mountain View due to its acquisition by Amazon 2020. It is one of the best artificial intelligence companies in the world 2024.

19. Zymergen

Artificial Intelligence Companies based out of San Francisco, California USA; Founded in 2008 by David A. Koepsell

– Zymergen is a biotech company that offers products and services to help accelerate design and analysis of microbes for industrial uses.

– The CEO’s claim their goal as “building the world’s most powerful microbial engineering platform “.

– Zymergen has collaborated with other industry leaders and organizations to push the limits of industrialized biotechnology.

20. DeepMind Technologies

DeepMind is a British Artificial Intelligence company, established in 2010 by Demis Hassabis, Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman. Google acquired it in 2014 because of their expertise in machine learning and deep neural network models that have been able to demonstrate a rapidly improving ability in understanding and other tasks.

DeepMind Technologies is a revolutionary AI company that was founded in September 2010. It has since been acquired by Google and functions as their research laboratory. DeepMind’s headquarters are located in London, with three additional centers found across Canada, France and the United States respectively.

21. Theorem (AI)

With its help agents can sell more properties without having to spend on expensive marketing campaigns. The company’s AI is able to “read” the buyer and search for a property that suits their needs, which means it will show less of those listings that are not relevant or interesting according to current preferences.

22. Avaamo (AI)

The company’s AI is able to “read” the buyer and search for a property that suits their needs, which means it will show less of those listings that are not relevant or interesting according to current preferences. Theorem uses Artificial Intelligence solutions in fields such as real estate, law, insurance and recruitment.

23. AI Talent

AI talent is a company that offers Artificial Intelligence courses for developers and corporate executives to teach them the basics of AI and how they can utilize it in their daily tasks. The course also teaches trainees about some popular algorithms like deep learning, natural language processing etc., so that they are able to implement them in their work.

24. AI Foundry (US)

Founded by artificial intelligence experts from Carnegie Mellon and Google, AI foundry is a company that provides Artificial Intelligence products such as natural language processing software and text analysis tools for businesses of all sizes. In addition they offer consulting services on how technology can help businesses in their day to day functioning.

Why AI Foundry: With offices in Boston, Pittsburgh and Silicon Valley, they are the perfect Artificial Intelligence company for enterprises that need data-driven solutions with an understanding of how technology can power innovation.

AI foundry was founded by computer scientists from Carnegie Mellon University and Google who were looking for a way to apply their AI skills for the greater good. They had been working in academia and saw an opportunity to help companies use Artificial Intelligence, while also creating more opportunities for people with these highly desired skill sets.

AI Foundry – Headquartered in Boston, Pittsburgh, Silicon Valley; helps enterprises that need data-driven solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence.

– They saw an opportunity to help companies use Artificial intelligence while also creating more opportunities through it

– Customers include: GE, T-Mobile, and Liberty Mutual

25. Draper University

Headquartered in Silicon Valley; offers entrepreneurial education to a global community of innovators. They want students to have the opportunity to learn from mentors like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel while also working on their own projects with help from Google’s Entrepreneurial Mindset Curriculum.

26. GreyOrange

GreyOrange is an Artificial Intelligence-based robotics company headquartered in Singapore with its R&D center situated at Pune, India, and North American office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Established as a startup by two Indian engineers back in 2008, today it has grown into a multinational AI company with more than 400 employees worldwide.

27. Iris Automation

Iris Automation is an Artificial Intelligence-based software platform that enables data centers to run autonomously without any human intervention for up to 50% of the time they are operating, reducing operational costs and energy consumption, while adding new revenue streams from increased utilization.

28. Intelligent Compaction Systems Limited (ICS)

Intelligent Compaction Systems is an Artificial Intelligence-based, robotics company that manufactures and markets the world’s first automated compactor designed for onsite use in commercial and industrial buildings, including recycling facilities, waste transfer stations, landfills and quarries.

29. Kensho Technologies, Inc.

Kensho Technologies (formerly known as Kensho) is an Artificial Intelligence-driven knowledge optimization software company headquartered in New York City with its research and development center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

30. Rhombus Energy Ltd.

a British Columbia corporation was founded by AI pioneer Dr. Geoffrey Hinton in 2002 and is the world’s first renewable energy company that uses Artificial Intelligence to produce electricity from wind and solar power at a cost equal to or less than coal-fired generation.

31. Cogito

– Artificial Intelligence Company located in Boston Massachusetts; founded in 2014 as an AI company focused on using Artificial Intelligence to improve, simplify, and automate the customer experience.

– Cogito has an AI platform that can detect any kind of online conversation from social media posts, blog comments, forum discussions or email threads; analyze this data with breakthrough natural language processing technologies built on top of deep learning algorithms; understand what people are saying about a brand and what they are feeling about it; identify conversations that need immediate attention, such as a crisis or customer service opportunity.

– Introduced in 2014 Cogito has grown steadily with recent funding rounds totaling $20 million led by Microsoft Ventures and Salesforce Ventures.

The Artificial Intelligence Company ld’s first renewable energy company that uses Artificial Intelligence to increase the output of renewable energy.

– Launched in 2015, today ld’s software is deployed at over 50 sites globally and support more than 500 megawatts worth of installed wind power capacity.

– Artificial Intelligence is making a difference for this company as it has enabled them to become an industry leader by delivering innovative solutions that save lives.

32. Matroid Inc.

Artificial Intelligence Companies based out of Palo Alto, California USA; Founded in 2017 by Zoubin Ghahramani, Georgy Kostin (cofounder), Steve Lalley and Daniel Rust

Matroid Inc. is one of the many Artificial Intelligence companies that is based in Palo Alto, California USA. This company was founded by Zoubin Ghahramani, Steve Lalley and Danial Rust who has an extensive background in machine learning; It’s not difficult to imagine why they are successful .

Their goal is to automate tasks like data exploration and analysis. Matroid’s Artificial Intelligence was designed with the purpose of automating these tedious, time-consuming tasks that are difficult for humans to perform in a timely fashion. They also offer an API that allows developers who work on machine learning projects or predictive models to use their system through the API interface.

33. Narrative Science

Narrative Science is a Chicago-based company that’s trying to make machines more human. The team of data scientists and journalists has developed Artificial Intelligence software, Quill™ for natural language generation. The AI can write reports on earnings or sports games with the voice of a third person narrator with no human intervention required. Narratives are being used to help companies with corporate governance, financial reporting and compliance.

The company has been around since 2011 when it launched its first AI-driven news service for Forbes Magazine called Narrative Science. Since then, the team of 43 people have developed Quill™ which is being sold as a software product that can write business reports or sports game summaries.

Quill’s first customer was a law firm that wanted to automate legal research and analysis of federal court rulings. The software was able to write reports with the voice of a third-person narrator without any human intervention required, which helped them save more than $500,000 annually in labor costs by taking on projects like quarterly earnings or sports.

34. AlphaSense

This startup based in Santa Clara, CA is an AI-driven company that provides a platform for artificial intelligence (AI) developers. AlphaSense has developed proprietary software to help companies make sense of their data and extract meaningful insights from them. Its products currently include Radial Search Engine & Datamatch which helps organizations find patterns between the collected information and identify the right data to be analyzed.

35. Clarifai

Clarifai is a startup that has developed an Artificial Intelligence platform for image and video understanding. This AI-powered company provides technology to identify objects, scenes, people in videos or photos, even when the object might be unrecognizable due to bad lighting or it’s rotated beyond recognition.

36. Neurala

Neurala is a company that develops Artificial Intelligence solutions for robots. Neurala’s technology has been implemented in NASA’s Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity, as well as the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC).

37. Nutonomy

Nutonomy is a startup that has been developing self-driving cars. Their Artificial Intelligence platform makes use of their AI to sense and understand the world around it, plan its actions based on this data and take action by driving as if a human were at the wheel.

38. Persado

Persado is a company that uses Artificial Intelligence to create marketing messages. Persado’s AI allows brands to use big data and machine learning in order to understand customers and their needs, so the AI can then generate custom content for each customer.

39. X.AI

X.AI is a company that makes artificial intelligence for the people, not just for large companies and enterprises. X.AI’s AI can schedule meetings as well as make restaurant reservations on behalf of users through text messages or email.

40. CognitiveScale

CognitiveScale is a company that provides the top Artificial Intelligence to help with data and analytics. CognitiveScale’s AI can analyze any large amount of data, extract insights from it, then share those findings in a user-friendly way for decision-makers.

41. AEye

AEye is a company that uses Artificial Intelligence to monitor the quality of driving. The AI in AEye’s cameras record footage, then analyze it and detect any potential dangers on the road. With this technology, one can know if they need to take action immediately or not.

42. AIBrain

AIBrain is a company that’s focused on Artificial Intelligence for social media and online marketing. AIBrain uses artificial intelligence to provide recommendations for content, advertising, or other posts from friends and family members on social media sites like Facebook.

43. Blue River Tech

Blue River Tech is a company that uses Artificial Intelligence for agricultural applications. In the past, farmers would have to use herbicides and pesticides in order to grow their crops or raise livestock but now they can rely on Blue River’s AI-powered technology.

44. Vidado

Vidado is a company that specializes in Artificial Intelligence for autonomous driving. Vidado provides AI systems and solutions for the automotive industry to help cars become smarter, safer, and more sustainable.

45. Casetext

Casetext is a company that provides developers with AI-powered legal tech to help them automate tasks, manage data and time.

46. CloudMinds

CloudMinds is a company that provides an Artificial Intelligence-powered search engine and voice recognition system.

47. Figure Eight

Figure Eight is a company that provides an AI platform to help businesses use data for predictive analytics.

48. Insilico Medicine

Insilico Medicine is a company that provides deep-learning models to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries.

49. Next IT

Next IT provides artificial intelligence to create and maintain more accurate databases.

50. Orbital Insight

Orbital Insight offers AI-powered geospatial analytics to commercial and government clients.

51. OpenAI

OpenAI is a non-profit Artificial Intelligence research company.

52. Sherpa

Sherpa is a company that provides Artificial Intelligence solutions for automotive companies.

53. sift science

sift science is a company that provides Artificial Intelligence solutions for digital marketers.

54. Zebra Medical Vision

Zebra Medical Vision develops AI-powered solutions for radiology. Zebra-Med’s mission is to provide radiologists the tools they need to create an innovative experience for patients.

55. Dato

Dato is a London and New York-based AI company that specializes in ive artificial intelligence for customer acquisition, retention & CRM marketing purposes. It has developed an Artificial Intelligence platform that includes key features such as segmentation by behavior or potential revenue contribution, automation of the customer journey, and automated solutions to complex sales problems.

The AI platform is designed for marketers to help them make decisions in real-time and automate their marketing activity at scale, with more precision than ever before.

Dato’s AI technology was developed by a team of world-leading experts from MIT who have been working on Artificial Intelligence.

56. Deep Speech

Deep speech is Artificial Intelligence software designed by Google to convert human voice into text or other formats like audio and video files. It can be used in security, voice recognition systems, healthcare, education, and more.

57. Layer AI

Layer AI is a company that offers Artificial Intelligence solutions for enterprises with advanced image recognition capabilities.

58. SHIFT Technology Labs

SHIFT provides AI solutions to enable the next generation of big data applications that can process vast quantities of unstructured information at high speeds and scale, without human intervention.

59. Numenta

Numenta provides next-generation AI systems that mimic the brain’s abilities for perception, action, and cognition.

60. Skyminds Solutions Inc.

Skyminds is an Artificial intelligence platform provider that uses neural networks to provide solutions.

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