100 Famous Quotes About Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin

100 Famous Quotes About Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin

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Bitcoin Investment Quotes 2022

Investment Quotes and Tips

Investment tips are an integral part of the investment process. These tips, which were once considered a secret, are now being shared freely with the public.

Most of us became interested in cryptocurrency after hearing a friend of a notable individual extol its virtues. With time, the rest of the world took notice, and crypto grew in popularity, involving an increasing number of people.

Many industry professionals and well-known individuals are becoming known for their cryptocurrency statements. Some of these were the source of a significant price increase. Others prompted us to ponder.

The purpose of this post is not to inform you if you should invest in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Instead, we’d like to assist you in better understanding where we are now and how much potential remains.

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Bitcoin Quotes by Famous Investors

  1. “When I first heard about Bitcoin, I thought it was impossible. How can you have a purely digital currency? Can’t I just copy your hard drive and have your bitcoins? I didn’t understand how that could be done, and then I looked into it and it was brilliant.” – Jeff Garzik (Co-founder of blog.inc and bitcoin developer)

  2. Bitcoin is exciting because it shows how cheap it can be. Bitcoin is better than currency… for large transactions, currency can get pretty inconvenient. – Bill Gates

  3. There may be other currencies like it that may be even better. But in the meantime, there’s a big industry around Bitcoin. – Richard Branson

  4. People have made fortunes off Bitcoin, some have lost money. It is volatile, but people make money off of volatility too. – Richard Branson

  5. I think the fact that within the bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the function of the government… is actually pretty cool. – Al Gore

  6. The ability to create something which is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value… Lot’s of people will build businesses on top of that. – Eric Schmidt

  7. As people move into Bitcoin for payments and receipts they stop using US Dollars, Euros and Chinese Yuan which in the long-term devalues these currencies. – John McAfee

  8. Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative. – Nassim Taleb

  9. PayPal had these goals of creating a new currency. We failed at that… I think Bitcoin has succeeded on the level of a new currency, but the payment system is lacking. – Peter Thiel

  10. The internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. One thing that’s missing but that will soon be developed, is a reliable e-cash. – Milton Friedman

  11. At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. – Peter Diamandis

  12. Bitcoin is the currency of resistance… If Satoshi had released Bitcoin 10 years. earlier, 9/11 would never have happened. – Max Keiser

Inspiring Bitcoin Quotes

  1. Those who believe in Bitcoin also believe in cleverness. – Arif Naseem

  2. Bitcoin is the most stellar and most useful system of mutual trust ever devised. – Arif Naseem

  3. I describe Bitcoin as “a digital version of gold” eGold. – Arif Naseem

  4. Cryptocurrency is freedom, Banking is slavery. – Arif Naseem

  5. Bitcoin is like anything else – it’s worth what people are willing to pay for it. – Stanley Druckenmiller

  6. We see bitcoin as potentially the greatest social network of all. – Tyler Winklevoss

  7. Our basic thesis for bitcoin is that it is better than gold. – Tyler Winklevoss

  8. Bitcoins are like gold bars with wings. That is why I, and so many others, view bitcoin and its network as gold 2.0. – Tyler Winklevoss

  9. It’s probably easier and cheaper to counterfeit hundred-dollar bills than it is to counterfeit Bitcoin. – Naval Ravikant

  10. I think the whole narrative of blockchain without bitcoin will amount to very little. – Fred Ehrsam

  11. The divine line “Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency is for criminals” is a cunning defensive strategy created by so called traditional financial services sector. – Mohith Agadi

  12. You might think of Bitcoin and blockchain as two halves of a whole, but in reality, they are very distinct commodities. – Olawale Daniel

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Wise Quotes About Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

  1. Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential. – Marc Kenigsberg

  2. Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access. – Amir Taaki

  3. Bitcoin, and the ideas behind it, will be a disrupter to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, currency will be better for it. – Edmund C. Moy

  4. Cryptocurrency is such a powerful concept that it can almost overturn governments. – Charles Lee

  5. Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry. – Rick Falkvinge

  6. I do think Bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential to do something like change the world. – Peter Thiel

  7. Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet. – Roger Ver

  8. Cryptology represents the future of privacy [and] by implication [it] also represents the future of money, and the future of banking and finance. – Orlin Grabbe

  9. Gold is a great way to preserve wealth, but it is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill. – Jim Rickards

  10. It’s gold for nerds. – Stephen Colbert

  11. Bitcoin is a technological tour de force. – Bill Gates

  12. Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments. – Leon Luow

  13. The relative success of the bitcoin proves that money first and foremost depends on trust. Neither gold nor bonds are needed to back up a currency. – Arnon Grunberg

  14. You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust. – John McAfee

  15. Ten percent of my net worth is in this space. – Mike Novogratz


Best Cryptocurrency Quotes 

1. If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry.

– Satoshi Nakamoto

This is one of the first Bitcoin quotes ever recorded. Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin creator, foresaw what Bitcoin could accomplish before anyone else. However, few people could have predicted the potential of this new money in its early days. His invention has completely changed the world today, and those early skeptics should have done more research.

2. I see Bitcoin as ultimately becoming a reserve currency for banks, playing much the same role as gold did in the early days of banking. Banks could issue digital cash with greater anonymity and lighter weight, more efficient transactions.

– Hal Finney

This is a quote from early-day cryptocurrency pioneer Hal Finney, who foresaw Bitcoin’s potential. He was also on the Cryptography mailing list where discussions about virtual currencies, privacy and other issues were predominant.

3. Any time a country transitioned to a fiat currency, they collapsed. That’s just world history; you don’t have to know about cryptocurrency to know that.

– Nipsey Hussle

Nipsey Hussle was a well-known rapper, entrepreneur, and community organizer who lived in Los Angeles. He was recognized for his serious insights, which he shared with his Twitter followers on a daily basis. Hussle died in 2019.

4. If the cryptocurrency market overall or a digital asset is solving a problem, it’s going to drive some value.

–  Brad Garlinghouse

Brad Garlinghouse is a well-known cryptocurrency figure. He is the CEO of Ripple, the firm that created the cryptocurrency XRP. In his sporadic tweets, he frequently tackles critics who appear to be skeptical about cryptocurrency’s future.

5. Whenever the price of cryptocurrency is rallying, people start spending a lot more.

– Erik Voorhees

Shapeshift, one of the most prominent cryptocurrency trading platforms, was founded by Eric. He frequently writes about Bitcoin on his Twitter account, and he has a number of remarkable quotations that I’ve put in this post. This one, on the other hand, encapsulates what we call “positive market mood.” He’s attempting to demonstrate how people tend to have false expectations when an item as volatile as a cryptocurrency climbs in value rapidly. As a result, the coins become increasingly scarce as more individuals desire to own them.

6. We are seeing more managed money and, to an extent, institutional money entering the [crypto] space. Anecdotally speaking, I know of many people who are working at hedge funds or other investment managers who are trading cryptocurrency personally, the question is, when do people start doing it with their firms and funds?

– Olaf Carlson-Wee

7. I am very excited about the prospect of using cryptocurrency, not just as a money equivalent, but using it as a way to earn something as a result of doing some type of work.

– William Mougayar

8. What value does cryptocurrency add? No one’s been able to answer that question to me.

– Steve Eisman

Steve Eisman is a well-known American investor and businessman. He is best known for the film “The Big Short,” which is based on true events that occurred during the US housing bubble in 2007-2008. His tweet, which many people see as a memorable phrase, was intended to provoke bitcoin advocates.

9. Bitcoin is here to stay. There would be a hacker uproar to anyone who attempted to take credit for the patent of cryptocurrency. And I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of hacker fury.

– Adam Draper

Adam Draper founded Boost VC, an accelerator that is involved with more than 100 cryptocurrency companies. His portfolio continues to grow and our guess would be that there are plenty of exciting Bitcoin-related ideas floating around in his head.

10. I am very intrigued by Bitcoin. It has all the signs. Paradigm shift, hackers love it, yet it is described as a toy. Just like microcomputers.

– Paul Graham

Paul is a considered entrepreneur and veteran programmer who has been supporting cryptocurrency for a few years now. His insights into the potential of cryptocurrency are pretty insightful, as he’s able to make his customers think about ways cryptocurrencies can produce bigger results in the long term.

11. Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential.

– Marc Kenigsberg

Marc Keningsberg is well known for his podcast “The Conversation,” in which he discusses Blockchain and its applications in daily life. He is also the creator of the website BitcoinChasers.com. His statement puts everything into context. He distinguishes the meaning and purpose of the Blockchain from Bitcoin, demonstrating to the rest of the world that we are still in the early stages of technological development.

12. As the value goes up, heads start to swivel and skeptics begin to soften. Starting a new currency is easy, anyone can do it. The trick is getting people to accept it because it is their use that gives the “money” value.

– Adam B. Levine

Adam is the CEO of Tokenly and the founder of Let’s Talk Bitcoin. His comment emphasizes the importance of public acceptance in determining the value of a new currency. In essence, he is attempting to emphasize the importance of individuals beginning to spend and receive Bitcoin in their daily lives.

13. Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry

– Rick Falkvinge

14. Bitcoin is a technological tour de force.

– Bill Gates Bitcoin quote

Bill Gates does not require an introduction. Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft and the father of all programming, spends most of his days pondering the future of technology. More individuals are intrigued in the future possibilities of cryptocurrencies as a result of the compliment to Bitcoin.

15. Well, I think it is working. There may be other currencies like it that may be even better. But in the meantime, there’s a big industry around Bitcoin— People have made fortunes off Bitcoin, some have lost money. It is volatile, but people make money off of volatility too.

– Richard Branson

Richard Branson is an entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist who was born in England. He is the founder of the Virgin Group, which today owns over 400 businesses throughout the world. He’s currently looking to buy BitPay, a Bitcoin start-up based in Atlanta. The comment above was taken from a 2014 interview he gave to Bloomberg.

16. [Bitcoin] is a remarkable cryptographic achievement… The ability to create something which is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value…Lot’s of people will build businesses on top of that.

– Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmit, the executive chairman of Google and former CEO, isn’t your usual Bitcoin maximalist. While he was unsure about the future of the most popular cryptocurrency, during his speech at the Computer History Museum, he made care to commend the technology that underpins it.

17. PayPal had these goals of creating a new currency. We failed at that, and we just created a new payment system. I think Bitcoin has succeeded on the level of a new currency, but the payment system is somewhat lacking. It’s very hard to use, and that’s the big challenge on the Bitcoin side.

– Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel is the co-founder of Paypal and the author of “Zero to One,” a best-selling book. Paypal sought to build Bitcoin, according to him, but he still considers the cryptocurrency difficult to use. He feels that, in order for mass adoption to occur, the payment mechanism must become more user-friendly than it is now. Peter’s “Founders Fund” invested a whopping $20 million in Bitcoin in 2017, a sum that is now worth around $100 million.

18. Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives center, and that is why it is starting to take off. 

– Julian Assange

Wikileaks and Bitcoin have a long history together. Without the support of Bitcoin, Wikileaks may never have grown to its current size. Major banks and credit card firms barred all payments to Wikileaks throughout its rise to fame, making it difficult for the organization to survive. Fortunately, the charity began accepting Bitcoin donations and was able to stay afloat. Julian Assange is the founder of Wikileaks and a cypherpunk from the early days.

Bitcoin Investment Quotes 2022

Other Cryptocurrency Investment Quotes

19. Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.”

– Nassim Taleb, Author and Risk Analyst

20. Bitcoin, and the ideas behind it, will be a disrupter to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, currency will be better for it.

– Edmund Moy, 38th Director of the United States Mint

21. Right now Bitcoin feels like the Internet before the browser.

– Wences Casares

22. [Bitcoin] is a very exciting development, it might lead to a world currency. I think over the next decade it will grow to become one of the most important ways to pay for things and transfer assets.

– Kim Dotcom, CEO of MegaUpload

23. The Federal Reserve simply does not have authority to supervise or regulate Bitcoin in any way.

– Janet Yellen, former chair of the US Federal Reserve

24. EVERY informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.

– Leon Louw, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee

25. Bitcoin may be the TCP/IP of money.

– Paul Buchheit

There are many technologies that automate people doing menial tasks who were once center workers in a complicated process, while blockchain is a technology that automates away the center. Blockchain has enabled taxi-drivers to work with the centralized traditional Uber service and be compensated more fairly just like in an innovative financial system.

– Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum

26. Cryptographical solutions might with great propriety be introduced into academies as the means of giving tone to the most important of the powers of the mind. 

– Edgar Allan Poe

27. It’s gold for nerds.

– Stephan Colbert, Comedian

28. If [Bitcoin does] not [reach $500.000 by the end of 2020], I will eat my d*ck on national television.

– John McAfee – founder McAfee antivirus

29. I understand the political ramifications of [bitcoin] and I think that the government should stay out of them and they should be perfectly legal.

– Ron Paul, Republican Texas Congressman and former candidate for US President

30. I think the fact that within the bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the functions of [the government] is actually pretty cool. I am a big fan of Bitcoin.

– Al Gore, 45th Vice President of the United States

Crypto Investment Quotes

31. Cryptocurrency is such a powerful concept that it can almost overturn governments

– Charles Lee, Creator of Litecoin

32. The reason we are all here is that the current financial system is outdated.

– Charlie Shrem – founder & CEO Bitinstant

38. There are 3 eras of currency: Commodity based, politically based, and now, math-based.

– Chris Dixon

55. At their core, cryptocurrencies are built around the principle of a universal, inviolable ledger, one that is made fully public and is constantly being verified by these high-powered computers, each essentially acting independently of the others. 

– Paul Vigna

Famous Crypto Quotes By Investors

33. I love seeing new services constantly starting to accept Bitcoin. Bitcoin is really becoming “the currency of the Internet.” I’m most concerned by possible government reactions to Bitcoin. They can’t destroy Bitcoin, but they could really slow things down by making exchange much more difficult.

– Michael Marquardt

34. Bitcoin is Money Over Internet Protocol.

– Tony Gallippi

35. If Satoshi had released Bitcoin 10 yrs. earlier, 9/11 would never have happened.

– Max Keiser

36. One must acknowledge with cryptography no amount of violence will ever solve a math problem.

– Jacob Appelbaum

37. At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things

– Peter Diamandis

39. When I first heard about Bitcoin, I thought it was impossible. How can you have a purely digital currency? Can’t I just copy your hard drive and have your bitcoins? I didn’t understand how that could be done, and then I looked into it and it was brilliant.

– Jeff Garzik

40. The governments of the world have spent hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars bailing out a decaying, dickensian, outmoded system called banking when the solution to the future of finance is peer-to-peer. It’s going to be alternative currencies like Bitcoin and it’s not actually going to be a banking system as we had before 2008. 

– Patrick Young

41. We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.

– Tyler Winklevoss

42. Hey, obviously this is a very interesting time to be in Bitcoin center now, but if you guys want to argue over whether this is reality or not, one Bitcoin will feed over 40 homeless people in Pensacola center now. If you guys want proof Bitcoin is real, send them to me, I’ll cash them out and feed homeless people.

– Jason King

43. The bitcoin world is this new ecosystem where it doesn’t cost that much to start a new Bitcoin company, it doesn’t cost much to start owning Bitcoin either, and it is a much more efficient way of moving money around the world.

– Tim Draper

44. Bitcoin enables certain uses that are very unique. I think it offers possibilities that no other currency allows. For example the ability to spend a coin that only occurs when two separate parties agree to spend the coin; with a third party that couldn’t run away with the coin itself.

– Pieter Wuille

45. Bitcoin is Cash with Wings

– Charlie Shrem

46. It was the amateurs of cryptology who created the species. The professionals, who almost certainly surpassed them in cryptanalytic expertise, concentrated on down-to-earth problems of the systems that were then in use but are now outdated. The amateurs, unfettered to those realities, soared into the empyrean of theory.

– David Kahn

47. Bitcoin is the currency of resistance.

– Max Keiser

48. What can’t kill Bitcoin, makes it stronger.

– Mark Wittkowski

49. You should be taking this technology as seriously as you should have been taking the development of the Internet in the early 1990’s.

– Blythe Masters

50. I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. The one thing that’s missing but that will soon be developed is a reliable e-cash.

–Milton Friedman

51. What affected me most profoundly was the realization that the sciences of cryptography and mathematics are very elegant, pure sciences. I found that the ends for which these pure sciences are used are less elegant. 

– Jim Sanborn

52. Cryptography is the essential building block of independence for organizations on the Internet, just like armies are the essential building blocks of states because otherwise one state just takes over another.

– Julian Assange

53. Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access.

– Amir Taaki

54. Lots of people working in cryptography have no deep concern with real application issues. They are trying to discover things clever enough to write papers about.

– Whitfield Diffie

56. Trusted third parties are security holes.

– Nick Szabo 

57. This [Bitcoin] may be the purest form of democracy the world has ever known, and I — for one — am thrilled to be here to watch it unfold.

– Paco Ahlgren

58. Cryptography shifts the balance of power from those with a monopoly on violence to those who comprehend mathematics and security design.”

 – Jacob Appelbaum

59. [Cryptourrencies] may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.

–Ben Bernanke

60. Online identity and reputation will be decentralized. We will own the data that belongs to us.

– William Mougayar

61. It just identifies how much money laundering there is being done in the world,” Fink said. “How much people are trying to move currencies from one place to another.

–Larry Fink

62. Gold is a great way to preserve wealth, but it is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill. I’m not surprised to see that happening.

– Jim Rickards

63. What we want is fully anonymous, ultra-low transaction cost, transferable units of exchange. If we get that going… the banks will become the obsolete dinosaurs they deserve to become.

– Adam Back

64. The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.

– Don & Alex Tapscott

65. [Bitcoin is] the biggest opportunity set we can think of over the next decade.

– Bob Grifeld

Hal Finney Quotes

Hal Finney is one of the most well-known Bitcoin advocates. He’s been mining Bitcoin since the beginning, and many people believe he’s Satoshi Nakamoto himself.

66. Since we’re all rich with bitcoins … we ought to put some of this unearned wealth to good use.

67. Bitcoin seems to be a very promising idea. I like the idea of basing security on the assumption that the CPU power of honest participants outweighs that of the attacker. It is a very modern notion that exploits the power of the long tail.

68. The computer can be used as a tool to liberate and protect people, rather than to control them.

Satoshi Nakamoto Quotes

Satoshi Nakamoto is the person(s) that created Bitcoin. We only know Satoshi by their screen name and there is no further information on their identity. Here are some of their famous quotes.

69. Lost coins only make everyone else’s coins worth slightly more. Think of it as a donation to everyone.

70. Sigh… why delete a wallet instead of moving it aside and keeping the old copy just in case? You should never delete a wallet.

71. The possibility to be anonymous or pseudonymous relies on you not revealing any identifying information about yourself in connection with the bitcoin addresses you use. If you post your bitcoin address on the web, then you’re associating that address and any transactions with it with the name you posted under. If you posted under a handle that you haven’t associated with your real identity, then you’re still pseudonymous. For greater privacy, it’s best to use bitcoin addresses only once.

Andreas Antonopoulos Quotes

Andreas Antonopoulos is one of the industry’s most well-known Bitcoin educators. His teachings have been shared with people all around the world and have aided in the general adoption of the technology.

72. At the end of the day, Bitcoin is programmable money.

73. One of my favorite words is a French word: sousveillance. It is the opposite of surveillance. Surveillance means to look from above; sousveillance means to look from below.

74. Bitcoin experts argue that deflation is not bad per se. Rather, deflation is associated with a collapse in demand because that is the only example of deflation we have to study.

Less supportive quotes

There are those who are still not very keen on Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. They either disagree with their potential risks, ideology, or feel they aren’t “cool” enough.

67. [Bitcoin is] worse than tulip bulbs

– Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan

68. Stay away from it. It’s a mirage, basically. In terms of cryptocurrencies, generally, I can say almost with certainty that they will come to a bad ending.

–  Warren Buffett, legendary investor

69. Bitcoin, and the ideas behind it, will be a disrupter to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, currency will be better for it.

– Edmund Moy, 38th Director of the United States Mint

70. Bitcoin is evil.

– Paul Krugman, Nobel-prize winning economist