Things to Remember After Installing Solar Panels at Home

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Although you already know that solar panels can last for years with minimal maintenance, you still have to take note of different tasks to do when you have them at home. You have to know how to select solar charge controller the first time that you have the solar panels installed. You also have to find the right place to install your solar panels just in case it does not generate the electricity that your home needs. Here are some key things to remember when you have solar panels at home.

Things to Take Note Of After Solar Panel Installation

Decide on the other components of the assembly

After the installation of the solar panels, you have to make sure that the other components are also present. You have to be equipped with the knowledge of how to select solar charge controller as well as the other parts of the solar system assembly. These are usually parts that are already recommended by the installation company. But you can still ask them if they do install parts provided by other companies. It would be best to just decide on all of these components before the actual installation. It would be easier for you and it would be a lot more convenient for the installation company.

Cleaning and maintenance

If you have already heard about the idea that solar power system offers little maintenance for its parts, you are absolutely correct. Because of the robustness of the solar panels as well as the minimization of the parts of the solar power controller, you can be sure that you only need a few steps each year to do your maintenance of the parts of the solar system. You only need to clean the solar panels, check the lines going to the controller, and do routine maintenance of your smart controller. For the cleaning of the solar panels, you can do it yourself if you have the proper equipment. As for the maintenance of the controller, check the contract to see how often the company conducts the checkup and troubleshooting. 

Check the efficiency of the assembly 

Another item to check out after the solar panel installation is the efficiency of the system. You can do your research on the level of efficiency of the solar system. You can also ask the company about the efficiency of their products. You need to observe the effectiveness of the solar panels to absorb solar energy as well as the capability of the controller to supply electricity to your home. 

If the system is not performing according to specifications, you can either do a manual check yourself or call the company provider. It is better to do the latter so that any warranty will not be void. 

Review the contract

You should regularly review the contract that you have with the solar company installer. You may be missing out on the maintenance and routine checking that they included in your package. It is best to take note of these perks on a separate sheet of paper or document so that you can maximize them throughout the life of the solar panel system.


Having solar panels at home is great because you are generating the much-needed electricity for your home. But you still have to decide on many other items to install in line with your solar panels. You should understand how to select solar charge controller so that your house is equipped with electronics that can sustain and supply the converted energy from solar to electrical energy. At the end of the day, you have to make sure all the components are fully functioning so that you will have ample electricity supply.