Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2020/2021

Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2022

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Best Indian Universities for International Students 2022

The Republic of India is a country located in South Asia it is named the seven largest countries by landmass but the second most populated country in the whole world coming after China what is the biggest country that participates in democratic government. Talking about being safe for international students or residents India is a safe country though that is relative you actually need to be vigilant all the time.

India is renowned for its culture their religion the entertainment industry which is Bollywood. India is a country that has a lot of potentials and I’ve raised a lot of great people so study there and you stand a high chance of being great. All you need to do is to follow the guide of getting admission for foreign students in India.

India is not only known for zee world series they are dancing and movies they actually are known to be a highly critical theory there is a lot of medical practitioners and engineers they are known for their very interest in science and this makes it a very good choice of country to study in 2022. Their universities also have a low cost of university education in India.

Also, you have nothing to worry about as the official language of India is Indian language and English so wherever you come from you can understand what they speak.
India has over 700 thousand schools in operation with the ratio of public schools being greater than that of private schools they promote education to its very best. So, just make up your mind to get the study in India fees.

People have been asking ‘how much does it cost to start a university in India?’, well there is a low fee university in India and there are high ones too.

The top 10 universities in India for international students in 2022 was created with India University Rankings which are based on these eight indicators;

  • academic reputation,
  • employer reputation,
  • faculty/student ratio,
  • staff with a PhD,
  • papers per faculty,
  • citations per paper,
  • International faculty
  • and international students.

Top 10 Best Indian Universities for International Students 2022/2022

These are the Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2022/2022 Academic session:

  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB)
  • Indian Institute of Science (IISC) Bangalore
  • Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKGP)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK)
  • University of Delhi
  • University of Hyderabad
  • Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG)


10. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG)

We have the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in 10th place in our list of the best universities in India; one of the 26 Institutes of Technology (IITs) in India. Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021The university receives its highest scores in the credibility of employers and academic reputation indicators– suggesting that IITG is an extremely prestigious university across India, both to graduate employers and other universities. The university also ranks well in the papers per facilities metric, emphasizing the institute’s research efficiency and effect.

9. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR)

The Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) is ninth on our top universities countdown. IITR is Asia’s oldest technical institution, established in 1847 as the Roorkee College of Civil Engineering and gaining IIT status in 2001. Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021For most metrics, the university features in the top ten, including; academic reputation, employer credibility, paper quotes, and PhD employees. This is also in the top five for a quote per paper predictor.

See the Most expensive thing in the world that will shock you.

8. University of Hyderabad

The University of Hyderabad in eighth place is down one spot in this year’s top Indian universities ranking. The University of Hyderabad was founded in 1974 and is relatively young compared to the other top universities in India.Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021

The university has more than 5,000 students and 400 faculty members, and won the Best Central University in India Visitor’s Award in 2015, awarded by India’s president.

The university earns its highest score in the faculty/student ratio which represents the number of students enrolled per full-time faculty member employed and shows the dedication of the university to teaching and supporting students.

7. University of Delhi

The University of Delhi, rated 7th best Indian university in 2022, is the highest-ranked non-IIT university listed in India’s 10 best universities this year. Established in 1922, the university has since become India’s largest higher learning institution, and one of the world’s largest, with over 132,000 students.Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021

It has two main campuses in Delhi’s north and south, with a total of 77 affiliated colleges and 16 faculties. Delhi University earns its highest scores for academic reputation and reputation from an employer.

6. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK)

We have the Indian Kanpur Institute of Technology (IITK) in sixth place. The institution was established in 1959, and currently has 3,938 undergraduate students and 240 graduate students.Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021
The university scores well in multiple factors; particularly the doctoral and faculty paper workers, where they rank first and fourth respectively – an indication of a large number of highly qualified faculty members employed at the university.

5. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKGP)

Now entering the top five we continue with the Indian Kharagpur Institute of Technology (IITKGP), located in northeast India.Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021
IITKGP ranks jointly 281st in the most recent QS World University Rankings ® and the university performs well in both Ph.D. employees and employer credibility indicators; showing university graduates are extremely attractive to prospective graduates employers.

4. Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)

We have the Indian Institute for Technology Madras (IITM) in fourth place. Despite coming one place short this year, the university ranks well in both the reputation of the employer and the employees with Ph.D. metrics and places in the world university rankings jointly 271st.Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021

Established in 1959, IITM was the government’s third-largest IIT, with 8,000 students, 550 faculty and 16 academic departments. The university also includes facilities such as the IIT Madras Research Park, which is India’s first of its kind to establish itself.

3. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi rose one level in 2022 to enter for the first time into India’s top three top universities! The university receives India’s second-highest score for its academic reputation and employer reputation metrics, meaning the university is highly rated for both its academic performance and its prospects for graduate employment.Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

IITD has recently achieved the status of ‘ Institutes of Eminence, ‘ thereby increasing the autonomy of courses, tuition fees, and academic partnerships, as well as encouraging 30 percent of admitted students to become international students.

2. Indian Institute of Science (IISC)

The Indian Institute of Science (IISC) ranks second in this year’s India University rankings and places 184th in the rankings of universities worldwide. The university located in Bangalore city was established in 1909 yet only granted university status in 1958.Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021

The city ranks well in the academic credibility indicator and wins first place per faculties indicator in papers – demonstrating the strong academic performance of the university.

1. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB)

The Indian Institute of Bombay (IITB), ranked 152nd in the world university rankings, is India’s top university. The institute is internationally recognized as a pioneer in engineering education and research, winning first place in the QS India University Rankings for both the academic reputation and employer reputation.Top 10 Best Universities in India for International Students 2021/2021
IITB was established in 1958 as the country’s second IIT and has since produced a couple of highly accomplished graduates who have contributed in the fields of industry, education, science, business, government, and more.