Learn digital marketing in 2020

Learn Digital marketing in 2022: everything you need to know

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Learning Digital marketing in 2022 can be as easy as the passion you have for it.

Just a few years ago, digital marketing or internet marketing seemed something new, unknown and outlandish. They spoke of him little and not always specifically in the case. Today, people want to Learn Digital marketing in 2022, it has been very crucial to the whims of large companies has turned into a sometimes harsh but generally vital reality that must be reckoned with in order to be successful.

Can I Learn Digital marketing in 2022 somewhere? Or can only selected practices be understood in this area, which everyone recognized themselves by stuffing working bumps? We believe that it is possible, but only carefully.

Recently, we have already done a brief review of digital marketing courses , where we studied ourselves and where our specialists were sent to.

All 2022 Digital marketing courses cost a certain amount of money. Therefore, the question is very relevant:

“Do knowledge necessarily cost money?”

No, not at all necessary. In the age of information technology, you can Learn Digital marketing for free in 2022, there would be a desire. We will tell you what actions and projects exist that allow you to obtain useful knowledge not on a commercial basis.


You can Learn Digital marketing in 2022 through:

  • Online education:

Today, self-study online portals are not uncommon. You can study at any time and spend as much time as you like. Here are just a few of the most respected and cool projects:

-Google has a solid course – “Online Marketing Challenge” . Its creators promise that after completing the course, you will be able to better understand the strategic goals of your business and, as a result, develop a competent marketing strategy. Before starting the training, you can take a special preparatory course, which will help you better understand the topic and get the most out of the classes.

-The Coursera has a specialized course in digital marketing . Training takes place in English. You can learn how to properly position your brand in the market, guess the desires of the target audience and develop creative promotion companies. The course is free. If you want to write a thesis and get a certificate, you will have to pay.

“Netology” offers to take a series of free courses in Internet marketing . If you wish, you can pay and get a certificate of completion. They talk about the profession of an Internet marketer, about SMM and brand positioning on social networks, about selling content, targeted advertising and other marketing joys.

-It is not necessary to go to the University of Pennsylvania to find out how American students are taught Internet marketing.

At Coursera, you can take a completely free university introductory course , which consists of three modules. This is branding, the study of user behavior, marketing in the B2C sphere.

Stydy.com specializes in business courses. An entire training block is dedicated to Internet marketing. It consists of 83 training videos for 8 minutes. To consolidate the material, the user is asked to take a test or quiz. The free version is available for 5 days, so take the course as shock intensive.

A good online marketing encyclopedia has been compiled on the HubSpot Academy portal. All submitted materials are in English. So here is the reason at the same time to finally tighten up the foreign language. Not only video materials are available, but also articles about Internet marketing and all its components. You can also get a certificate of training at the academy. It is available to all comers.

Are you dreaming of learning to understand services such as Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Google AdSense? Then you on the Alison portal. They offer a free, detailed e-commerce course , during which you will understand what to do with statistics and how to read it correctly.


You can also Learn Digital marketing in 2022 through:

  • Offline Education:

But what if you want to not only learn, but also get to know like-minded people and recharge the energy of competent teachers? Search offline training options for free.

Many schools and courses offer certificates for free tuition.

For example,  IMpro, has the policy that knowledge is everything, and the desire to get it is much stronger than money. Therefore, they conduct free workshops and webinars, and also play certificates that allow people to study for free.

By the way, you can study with us for free and online. We hold non-profit webinars, and also started a blog that is proudly called the Knowledge Blog . There we post useful videos and articles about Internet marketing, which are available to you 24/7. Keeping up with updates and finding out about the draws is very simple. It is enough to subscribe to our newsletter or join the VKontakte group .

The school of interactive communications in advertising ICRA also periodically holds creative contests, the winners of which are waiting for all sorts of different cookies. For example, big discounts on tuition or even free admission to the whole course. Anyone can participate, as, however, and win. Information about the competitions appears in the CAVI group on Facebook on the eve of the next course.

In addition to educational courses in Internet marketing, you can focus on specialized conferences at which marketing experts from leading companies speak. Some of them, for example, RIDO, Digitale, SPIK, play free tickets for visiting, which anyone can win.