Top 10 Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2021

Top 10 Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2023

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Best Paid Internships for High School Students

It’s never too early to think about what you want for your future. There are a lot of things to consider, but internships can be an important factor in determining the path you will follow. Here are some great internship opportunities for high school students!
This blog post offers information on how to search for and apply to internships as well as tips on how to make the most out of your experience once accepted. It also provides useful links including websites, blogs, and articles that offer helpful advice about landing a successful internship while still in high school. Wherever your interests lie there is something here for everyone!

Do you know what you want to do when you graduate from high school? Do you have a clear idea of the type of job or internship that interests you? If not, there are many things to consider.

The best internships for high school students are the ones that provide experience and growth opportunities. It can be difficult to find the right internship, but there are many resources available to help you find a program that is perfect for your needs. When looking at different programs with potential employers, it’s important to consider what type of work you want to do in the future. There is no one-size-fits-all best internship out there, so use this article as a guide!

What are Summer Internships?

Summer internships are an opportunity for students to gain work experience before they graduate from high school or college. Some reasons why you might want to do a summer internship include:

  • Get hands-on experience in your desired field of interest
  • Earn money during the summer months when schools and most other jobs are closed
  • Meet professionals who can help you land your dream job
  • Build up your resume and work history before graduation
  • Follow the same path as some of our most successful CEOs

There is no one best internship for high school students because everyone’s goals are different. It really depends on what type of experience or skillset you’re looking to gain, whether it’s related to your field of interest or not. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best internships for high school students who are looking to make college more affordable, build up their resume and work history before graduation, learn about specific industries they might want to pursue post-college, follow in the footsteps of successful CEOs like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

How to apply for Internships

  • You can apply to an internship even if you haven’t finished high school yet.
  • Speak with your guidance counselor first, they’ll let you know the best way to find a good fit and how many hours it will take out of each day.
  • Contact businesses directly. If there is nothing available in person, check for online internships.
  • You can always ask family friends for opportunities and connections within their company.

Tips on Internship Interviews For Students

  1. Get to know the interviewer as much as possible before you go in. Search them online, read up about what they do at the company, and be prepared with questions
  2. Prepare a list of your best qualities that will convince the interviewer you are a perfect fit
  3. Dress appropriately and bring any copies of your resume or portfolio that best represent what work you would want to be doing at the company
  4. Make sure to ask questions about anything, in particular, you might not know. You don’t have all day, so make it count!

Top 10 Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2022

Here are the Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2022:

  • Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) at Google
  • Microsoft High School Internship
  • Kaiser Permanente LAUNCH Program
  • Johns Hopkins CARES Summer Program
  • Central Intelligence Agency Summer Internship
  • NASA High School Internship
  • The Intern Group International Internships
  • Smithsonian Summer Internship
  • Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program
  • The Met Summer High School InternshipTop 10 Best Summer Internships for High School Students

1. Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) at Google

Ah, the allure of Google. Interning at the company that started out as a research project in 1998 and has grown to be one of the world’s largest tech companies is every high school senior’s dream come true. And now it just got easier for students who want to get into computer sciences! This is one of the Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2022.

The annual CSSI Summer Institute Program was designed by Google specifically with high school seniors entering undergraduate programs in mind. Students must have intent on majoring in computer science or related majors like engineering, business technology, etc., but if you are really interested this summer internship might be worth checking out because these positions only open up once annually so they’re bound to go quickly when applications do become available.

Internship Description:

– Participants will participate in a five-week-long summer program on the Google campus that teaches computer science skills and is intended for students of all backgrounds, including nonprogrammers.

– Interns are also able to attend lectures by Googlers, recreation events, or visit other parts of our office during their time at CSSI

– Participants are able to choose between two tracks: computer science or software engineering.

Years of Experience Required: High school students must be at least 16 years old with no prior experience in programming, but those without any coding background will not be turned away!

Other Requirements: Must have a strong interest and desire to learn Computer Science.

2. Microsoft High School InternshipTop 10 Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2021

Microsoft offers opportunities for students to work and learn on exciting projects with a team of other interns.

Stemming from the world of science and technology, Microsoft’s high school internship program allows students to delve deeper into computer programming. With a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering math), this summer internship is perfect for those who are interested in pursuing degrees that pertain to these fields. Students have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience completing projects with challenging yet achievable goals while working closely with experts within their field at Microsoft headquarters or other research centers across America!

The internship is available nationwide, but it’s best if you’re located near one of the campuses that offer this opportunity. – Interns will be working in teams on different software engineering or computer science projects based on their interests.

– The internship is available to high school seniors who are at least 16 years old and have no prior experience in programming.

– Interns will need to be enrolled full-time for the fall semester of their senior year but must resign if they enroll as a freshman or sophomore during the same time period.

3. Kaiser Permanente LAUNCH Program

Kaiser Permanente is a non-profit organization with the goal of providing affordable, high quality healthcare in Los Angeles. Their LAUNCH program offers an opportunity for students to take on meaningful internships at Kaiser and learn about health care careers. Interns will be working alongside physicians and other professionals who are experts in their field and can provide a meaningful learning experience.

The LAUNCH program is open to high school seniors who are enrolled in college-level courses, and this internship will last for 16 weeks during the summer of 2017. Kaiser Permanente interns should be prepared to work at least 20 hours per week with some evening shifts, as well as weekends on occasion. This is one of the Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2022.

4. Johns Hopkins CARES Summer ProgramTop 10 Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2021

Johns Hopkins CARES is an international program that offers summer internships for high school students who are interested in healthcare and global health. The program focuses on career development, service learning, cultural understanding, academic exploration and personal growth with a team of mentors from Johns Hopkins University. High School interns will have the opportunity to work at this prestigious institution and gain exposure to different career paths.

5. Central Intelligence Agency Summer Internship

Closer to home, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) offers an exciting opportunity for high school students who want a career in intelligence. The CIA has been on duty since 1947 when President Harry Truman created it after World War II ended.

The agency is still just as important today and recruits interns every summer from all over the United States. The CIA offers its interns a variety of opportunities to explore the world and learn about intelligence. This is one of the Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2022.

This is an exciting opportunity for students who want to know more about how agencies like this work, as well as one that will give them valuable experience in their future careers. Interns should be creative thinkers with strong verbal and written communication skills.

6. NASA High School InternshipTop 10 Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2021

NASA is an agency that has been around since 1958 when they were put in place by President Eisenhower. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration continues its mission of exploration to this day, with the help of interns who can be found across the country each summer. Interns at NASA are given many exciting tasks such as working on current projects, training with equipment that may be involved in a future mission, and even the chance to go on an internship abroad.

The program is open to students who are 15 years of age by July 31st and will turn 17 before December 31st of the same year; or have graduated from high school (or attained equivalent level) no later than December 31st of the same year, and are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

To apply for an internship at NASA you must submit your resume online with a cover letter that includes information on why you want to be an intern as well as three references from teachers/coaches who can vouch for your attendance in school.

7. The Intern Group International Internships

The Intern Group International Internships offers internships in a variety of countries and cities for those wanting to gain international work experience. This is one of the Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2022.

The program is open to students who will be 18 years or older by November 30, 2022(or have graduated from high school). Applicants must also speak English fluently; submit two letters of reference with at least one from a teacher, coach, or boss; and have a valid passport.

The Intern Group International Internships also offer specific internships in areas such as conservation ecology, forestry management, tourism development, and sustainable agriculture.

8. Smithsonian Summer Internship Program

The Smithsonian Summer Internship Program is open to high school students who will be 18 years or older by November 30, 2022 (or have graduated from high school). Applicants must also speak English fluently; submit two letters of reference with at least one from a teacher, coach, or boss; and have a valid passport. The program offers internships in art, education, and public history.

9. Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program

The Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program is open to high school students, aged 16-19. Successful applicants will spend two summers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) studying fisheries biology and ecology under Dr. Peter Dann’s mentorship. This is one of the Best Summer Internships for High School Students 2022.

To apply for these internships, you must first submit a resume with your contact information, academic achievements, and community involvement. You must also provide a letter of recommendation from your high school’s guidance counselor or coach as well as submit two letters of reference with at least one being written by your teacher, boss or coach.

Additionally to be eligible for these internships you will need to have been born after October 31st, 1999 (current high school seniors are not eligible) and have a minimum of two A’s in your last semester.

10. The Met Summer High School Internship Program

The Met Summer High School Internship Program is a three-week program that offers students the opportunity to work alongside designers, curators, and educators. Students will be able to experience interning with an organization of their choice while also exploring the Museum’s collections.

Through this internship program, participants will explore career opportunities in arts management, exhibit design, and curating.

11. New York City Ballet’s Student Work Experience Program

For students looking to develop skills in classical ballet technique and choreography while also receiving a behind-the-scenes look at one of the world’s great dance companies, New York City Ballet offers a Student Work Experience Program.

Participants will have the opportunity to work with NYCB artists in various departments including wardrobe construction and design; stage lighting and sound production; as well as rehearsals for ballets such as The Nutcracker. This is one of the Best Internships for High School Students 2022.

12. Geosciences Bridge Program

If you are interested in learning more about geosciences, this program offers a 12-month training opportunity for advanced undergraduate students and recent graduates to explore careers or graduate study within the earth sciences. Participants will work with mentors at one of eight participating universities across America. This is one of the Best Internships for High School Students 2022.

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