Top 10 Best Startups in Machine Learning to Watch

Top 10 Best Startups in Machine Learning to Watch in 2024

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Machine Learning Companies and Ideas

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, one realm stands out as a beacon of innovation and disruption: Machine Learning (ML). As we step into the future, it’s increasingly evident that ML is not just a buzzword but a transformative force that is reshaping industries and revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. At the heart of this revolution are startups, daring ventures that harness the power of algorithms, data, and artificial intelligence to carve out new paths and redefine the boundaries of what is possible.

In this blog post, we embark on a journey into the dynamic world of Machine Learning startups, where pioneers are pushing the envelope, breaking barriers, and charting unexplored territories. From reimagining traditional industries to creating entirely new ones, these startups are at the forefront of the ML revolution, and their stories offer a glimpse into the future of technology.

The anticipated market size for machine learning globally is projected to reach $152 billion by the year 2028. Machine learning is a cornerstone for 82% of companies aiming to effectively manage risk, while 74% utilize it to optimize performance analysis and streamline reporting processes. Findings from a McKinsey survey reveal that half of businesses assert having integrated AI into at least one of their business units.

Join us as we explore the key trends, challenges, and success stories that characterize the startup ecosystem in Machine Learning. From the inception of groundbreaking ideas to the challenges of scaling, we’ll delve into the intricacies of how these startups navigate the complex and exhilarating terrain of ML innovation. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a tech enthusiast, or simply curious about the cutting edge of technology, this exploration of Machine Learning startups promises to be a fascinating and enlightening journey.

Best Startups in Machine Learning to Watch in 2024

Best Startups in Machine Learning to Watch in 2024

1. Flock Safety

  • 5-year search growth: 3200%
  • Search growth status: Exploding
  • Year founded: 2017
  • Location: Atlanta, Georgia
  • Funding: $380.6M (Series E)

Flock Safety, a trailblazing startup founded in 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia, has experienced an explosive 3200% growth in search interest over the past five years. Boasting a formidable Series E funding of $380.6 million, Flock Safety has engineered a cutting-edge camera system armed with built-in AI capable of identifying a vehicle’s unique fingerprint. The system is a robust tool in the fight against crime, detecting stolen cars entering designated areas and promptly alerting both law enforcement and neighborhood residents. Currently deployed in over 1,500 cities, Flock Safety is at the forefront of technological innovations in surveillance and security.


  • 5-year search growth: 99X+
  • Search growth status: Exploding
  • Year founded: 2001
  • Location: Shanghai, China
  • Funding: $1.6B (Series C)

UNISOC, a Shanghai-based powerhouse founded in 2001, has seen an explosive 99X+ growth in search interest over the past five years. Specializing in AI-driven customization and streamlining of chip production, UNISOC has secured an impressive Series C funding of $1.6 billion. With an estimated annual revenue of $1 billion and a net profit margin of 3.49%, UNISOC stands as a key player in the global semiconductor landscape, leveraging AI to reshape the future of chip manufacturing.

3. RepVue

  • 5-year search growth: 6500%
  • Search growth status: Exploding
  • Year founded: 2018
  • Location: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
  • Funding: $6M (Seed)

Founded in 2018 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, RepVue has experienced an explosive 6500% growth in search interest over the past five years. This startup, with $6 million in seed funding, specializes in real-time tracking of sales compensation data across diverse companies. Leveraging its algorithm, RepVue rates a company’s sales compensation based on a set of criteria. With a database covering over 1,200 organizations, RepVue is reshaping the landscape of sales analytics and compensation strategies.

4. MedPay

  • 5-year search growth: 186%
  • Search growth status: Exploding
  • Year founded: 2020
  • Location: Bengaluru, India
  • Funding: $1.2M (Seed)

Bengaluru-based MedPay, established in 2020, has witnessed a significant 186% growth in search interest over the last five years. With a seed funding of $1.2 million, MedPay has developed a smart algorithm-powered payment platform, facilitating seamless connections between healthcare professionals and insurance agencies. The platform, utilized by over 35,000 pharmacies and 15,000 doctors across 450 cities, is transforming healthcare transactions and improving access to medical services.

5. Relu

  • 5-year search growth: 26%
  • Search growth status: Regular
  • Year founded: 2019
  • Location: Leuven, Belgium
  • Funding: $2.1M (Seed)

Founded in 2019 in Leuven, Belgium, Relu has demonstrated steady growth with a 26% increase in search interest over the past five years. With a seed funding of $2.1 million, Relu employs deep learning to construct intricate 3D models of jaws, teeth, and nerves. This Leuven-based startup, funded by three investors over one funding round, seamlessly integrates with medical software, facilitating healthcare professionals in generating accurate 3D representations from CT or CBCT scans.

6. Teikametrics

  • 5-year search growth: -12%
  • Search growth status: Peaked
  • Year founded: 2015
  • Location: Boston, Massachusetts
  • Funding: $65M (Series B)

Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Teikametrics, founded in 2015, has experienced a unique trajectory with a -12% decline in search interest over the past five years. Despite this, the company has secured substantial funding, reaching $65 million in its Series B round. Specializing in Software as a Service (SaaS), Teikametrics employs AI to optimize eCommerce marketplaces dynamically. Handling over 40 terabytes of data annually, the company plays a crucial role in shaping the future of online retail through data-driven insights.

7. USmart Securities

  • 5-year search growth: -100%
  • Search growth status: Peaked
  • Year founded: 2017
  • Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • Funding: Undisclosed

Hong Kong-based USmart Securities, founded in 2017, has encountered a -100% decline in search interest over the last five years, signaling a peaked status. Operating as an online brokerage software, USmart Securities utilizes intelligent algorithms to analyze trading patterns and offer suggestions for improving trading returns. Despite the search interest decline, the startup boasts an estimated yearly revenue exceeding $20 million, affirming its significance in the fintech landscape.

8. BHyve

  • 5-year search growth: -29%
  • Search growth status: Peaked
  • Year founded: 2020
  • Location: Mumbai, India
  • Funding: $390K (Grant)

Launched in 2020 in Mumbai, India, BHyve has witnessed a -29% dip in search interest over the past five years, indicating a peaked status. Functioning as a peer-to-peer platform, BHyve enables employees to share tacit knowledge. Using machine learning, the company matches employees based on their knowledge and desired information. The startup, supported by a $390,000 grant, has achieved a remarkable 47.3% year-over-year revenue growth, demonstrating its impact on knowledge-sharing in professional environments.

9. Supertrends

  • 5-year search growth: -100%
  • Search growth status: Peaked
  • Year founded: 2019
  • Location: Zug, Switzerland
  • Funding: $1.7M (Series A)

Founded in 2019 in Zug, Switzerland, Supertrends has witnessed a -100% decline in search interest over the last five years, reaching a peaked status. Specializing in deep learning technology, Supertrends analyzes vast amounts of data to forecast emerging trends. Currently, the company’s technology monitors over 100 themes and over 650,000 companies with disruptive potential. The Series A funding of $1.7 million, based on a post-money valuation of $8.72 million, underscores Supertrends’ potential in shaping future market landscapes.

10. Quantexa

  • 5-year search growth: 124%
  • Search growth status: Regular
  • Year founded: 2016
  • Location: London, England
  • Funding: $370M (Series E)

London-based Quantexa, established in 2016, has maintained a healthy 124% growth in search interest over the past five years, signifying a regular status. With a Series E funding of $370 million, Quantexa specializes in gathering and analyzing data across operational workflows using machine learning. The company’s innovative approach automates operational decisions across diverse business sectors, currently deployed in over 70 countries and having processed over 60 billion records.

11. AdmitKard

  • 5-year search growth: 157%
  • Search growth status: Regular
  • Year founded: 2016
  • Location: Noida, India
  • Funding: $11.7M (Series A)

Founded in 2016 in Noida, India, AdmitKard has experienced a robust 157% growth in search interest over the last five years, maintaining a regular status. The startup is dedicated to helping students secure admission to their desired universities. AdmitKard employs intelligent retrieval to assess a student’s profile, comparing it to a university’s target profiles. With a Series A funding of $11.7 million, AdmitKard has curated insights on over 1000 universities, positioning itself as a key player in the education technology sector.

12. Aidoc

  • 5-year search growth: 122%
  • Search growth status: Exploding
  • Year founded: 2016
  • Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Funding: $237.5M (Series D)

Tel Aviv-based Aidoc, established in 2016, has witnessed an impressive 122% growth in search interest, signifying an exploding status. Specializing in deep learning systems for radiologists, Aidoc’s technology analyzes medical images and patient data to pinpoint critical anomalies. With a Series D funding of $237.5 million, Aidoc has played a crucial role in analyzing nearly 15 million medical scans, contributing to advancements in medical diagnostics.

13. Apty

  • 5-year search growth: 150%
  • Search growth status: Peaked
  • Year founded: 2016
  • Location: Austin, Texas
  • Funding: $12.9M (Series A)

Austin-based Apty, founded in 2016, has experienced an impressive 150% growth in search interest, signaling a peaked status. Apty operates as an AI-driven software analysis tool, exploring how software is used and integrated within organizations. The startup creates strategic plans to increase employee productivity and improve business processes based on its analysis. With a Series A funding of $12.9 million, Apty positions itself as a valuable player in enhancing workplace efficiency.

14. Arctic Wolf

  • 5-year search growth: 65%
  • Search growth status: Regular
  • Year founded: 2012
  • Location: Eden Prairie, Minnesota
  • Funding: $899.2M (Convertible Note)

Eden Prairie-based Arctic Wolf, established in 2012, has maintained a steady 65% growth in search interest over the last five years, signifying a regular status. The startup specializes in monitoring cyber resources to ensure safety and security, using algorithms to detect unusual usage patterns and potential security breaches. Recognized by The Channel Co. as one of the top 100 Security firms in 2021, Arctic Wolf has secured a significant funding of $899.2 million through convertible notes.

15. Rinna

  • 5-Year Search Growth: 9%
  • Search Growth Status: Peaked
  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Location: Tokyo, Japan
  • Funding: Undisclosed (Series A)

Rinna, established in 2020 in Tokyo, Japan, operates as an AI-based character. Utilizing machine learning, Rinna comprehends conversation context and responds with coherent sentences. Primarily employed in marketing campaigns, Rinna has completed a single funding round.

16. SuperAnnotate

  • 5-Year Search Growth: 757%
  • Search Growth Status: Exploding
  • Year Founded: 2018
  • Location: Sunnyvale, California
  • Funding: $17.5M (Series A)

SuperAnnotate, founded in 2018 in Sunnyvale, California, provides an AI-driven tool for acquiring and completing training data used in annotating, training, and automating computer vision pipelines. The company recently secured $14.5M in Series A funding led by Base10!, valuing it at $59.5M.

17. Kinetix

  • 5-Year Search Growth: -24%
  • Search Growth Status: Peaked
  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Location: Paris, France
  • Funding: $11M (Seed)

Kinetix, established in 2020 in Paris, France, has developed a fully automated, no-code 3D content creation platform integrated into a suite of tools used by game and animation developers. Employing deep learning, it transforms uploaded videos into 3D animations. Currently pre-revenue, the company is in the advanced beta testing phase.

16. Yodawy

  • 5-Year Search Growth: 0%
  • Search Growth Status: Peaked
  • Year Founded: 2018
  • Location: Cairo, Egypt
  • Funding: $30.5M (Series B)

Yodawy, founded in 2018 in Cairo, Egypt, operates as a marketplace enabling pharmacies to sell products online. Alongside the marketplace, the company has developed smart technology for swift healthcare information checks, providing instant insurance approvals and digital prescriptions. With a network of over 2,500 pharmacies in Egypt, Yodawy has completed a Series B funding round, raising $30.5M.

17. United Robots

  • 5-Year Search Growth: 114%
  • Search Growth Status: Exploding
  • Year Founded: 2016
  • Location: Malmo, Sweden
  • Funding: $1.6M (Seed)

United Robots, founded in 2016 in Malmo, Sweden, stands as an innovative editorial technology startup. Using deep learning, the company analyzes large datasets to generate unbiased and neutral language editorial texts. United Robots experienced a remarkable 19.87% revenue growth in the past year.

18. Lookiero

  • 5-year search growth: 104%
  • Search growth status: Regular
  • Year founded: 2016
  • Location: Bilbao, Spain
  • Funding: $53.6M (Series C)

Bilbao-based Lookiero, founded in 2016, has maintained a consistent 104% growth in search interest, indicating a regular status. Operating as a personal fashion shopping subscription service, Lookiero utilizes machine learning to analyze customer preferences and needs. The startup then curates a personalized selection of clothing, shipped directly to customers. Reporting a 75.31% year-over-year revenue growth and $23.4 million in revenue last year, Lookiero stands as a prominent player in the fashion tech landscape.

19. Logically

  • 5-year search growth: 130%
  • Search growth status: Regular
  • Year founded: 2017
  • Location: London, England
  • Funding: $36.7M (Series A)

London-based Logically, founded in 2017, has demonstrated a steady 130% growth in search interest, maintaining a regular status. The startup combines AI, fact-checking teams, and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) investigators to offer a threat intelligence platform. Recently closing a $24 million Series A funding round led by Vitruvian Partners, Logically is at the forefront of combating misinformation and ensuring the integrity of information on digital platforms.

20. Algolux

  • 5-year search growth: -100%
  • Search growth status: Peaked
  • Year founded: 2014
  • Location: Quebec, Canada
  • Funding: $32.8M (Series B)

Based in Quebec, Canada, Algolux, established in 2014, has encountered a -100% decline in search interest over the last five years, signaling a peaked status. Specializing in AI-driven imaging and vision technology for cars, Algolux’s technology perceives different road conditions and objects around vehicles. Recognized as a Top 100 AI startup in 2021 by CB Insights, Algolux continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of automotive safety.

21. Delta AI

  • 5-year search growth: 444%
  • Search growth status: Exploding
  • Year founded: 2017
  • Location: Madrid, Spain
  • Funding: Undisclosed

Madrid-based Delta AI, founded in 2017, has experienced an explosive 444% growth in search interest, signifying an exploding status. Operating as a machine learning startup, Delta AI provides an end-to-end AI platform to automate document-based workflows. Leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, the platform extracts data from unstructured documents, automating decision-making processes. Delta AI’s impact extends across industries such as finance, insurance, and healthcare, streamlining operations and improving efficiency.

22. Circly

  • 5-year search growth: 100%
  • Search growth status: Regular
  • Year founded: 2020
  • Location: Vienna, Austria
  • Funding: $340K (Pre-seed)

Vienna-based Circly, founded in 2020, has maintained a consistent 100% growth in search interest, indicating a regular status. Operating as an AI-powered forecasting tool for retail, Circly’s self-learning and self-optimizing technology utilize consumer behavior data to forecast buying behavior. The startup, gearing up for another early-stage VC funding round, claims a remarkable 95% accuracy rate in its forecasting technology, helping retailers significantly reduce stock levels.

23. Zenseact

  • 5-year search growth: 1000%
  • Search growth status: Peaked
  • Year founded: 2020
  • Location: Göteborg, Sweden
  • Funding: Undisclosed

Founded in 2020 in Göteborg, Sweden, Zenseact has experienced an extraordinary 1000% growth in search interest, signaling a peaked status. Specializing in AI-powered automotive software.

In conclusion, the landscape of machine learning startups is vibrant and dynamic, showcasing a diverse array of innovative solutions and technologies. As these startups continue to grow and evolve, their contributions to the field of machine learning promise to reshape industries, enhance efficiency, and drive the next wave of technological breakthroughs. The future looks promising, with these pioneering startups leading the charge in harnessing the power of machine learning to shape a smarter and more connected world.


What exactly is machine learning?

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on the development of algorithms and statistical models enabling computer systems to improve their performance on a specific task over time without being explicitly programmed. It involves the use of data and iterative learning to allow machines to make predictions or decisions based on patterns and trends.

How to start a machine learning startup:

Starting a machine learning startup involves several key steps:

Education and Skill Development: Acquire a strong understanding of machine learning concepts, algorithms, and programming languages.
Identify a Niche: Define a specific problem or industry where machine learning can provide value.
Build a Strong Team: Assemble a team with expertise in machine learning, data science, and software development.
Data Collection and Preparation: Gather relevant and high-quality data for training and testing machine learning models.
Model Development: Develop and iterate on machine learning models tailored to the identified problem.
Prototype and Testing: Build a prototype and rigorously test the solution’s effectiveness.
Funding and Scaling: Seek funding, either through investors or grants, and scale the startup based on the initial success.

What are the 4 types of machine learning?

The four main types of machine learning are:

Supervised Learning: The algorithm is trained on a labeled dataset, where input-output pairs are provided to learn the mapping between inputs and corresponding outputs.
Unsupervised Learning: The algorithm explores patterns and relationships in unlabeled data without explicit guidance, often used for clustering and dimensionality reduction.
Semi-Supervised Learning: Combines elements of both supervised and unsupervised learning, typically using a small amount of labeled data along with a larger amount of unlabeled data.
Reinforcement Learning: The algorithm learns by interacting with an environment, receiving feedback in the form of rewards or penalties based on the actions it takes.

What is the difference between AI and ML?

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is a broader concept referring to machines or systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. It encompasses various technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics.
Machine Learning (ML): ML is a subset of AI that specifically focuses on the ability of machines to learn from data. It involves the development of algorithms that enable computers to improve their performance on a task through experience.

Which programming language is used for AI?

Several programming languages are commonly used for AI, with Python being one of the most popular due to its simplicity, extensive libraries, and community support. Other languages used for AI development include:

Java: Known for its portability and versatility.
C++: Offers high performance and is suitable for resource-intensive AI applications.
R: Especially used for statistical analysis and data visualization in AI.
LISP: Historically associated with AI development, particularly in symbolic reasoning tasks.